~~ Truths, Decisions And Plans ~~

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Bryce's face was slightly contorted. It looked like he was lost in his own thoughts. L considered jabbing him after a few more seconds, but he nodded suddenly like he was answering an unasked question. He moved away from the fire and stood in front of L, looking down at her with a strange expression.

"Vadim wanted to wait for this until you were more settled, and he'd explained more about your parents but I don't think we have the time, besides... I know you're stronger than you look."

L didn't know where he was going with this, but she hoped it wasn't about to involve lots of talking. Why couldn't they just explain briefly who her parents were and why she was there? That would have saved them all a lot of time and effort. Instead, they wanted to give her a two hour history lesson that ended in nothing.

She was watching Bryce impatiently, and he appeared to be thinking through something.

"Anytime today?" L said and tried not to sound agitated.

He nodded again and tilted his head to the side while he looked down at her.

"This is going to sound weird, but have you ever noticed that you could do something if you watched someone else do it first? Without even practising, something you didn't think you could have ever done before?"

L frowned at the strange question, "What does that have to do with anything?"

Bryce looked almost excited, but he was trying to contain it, rolling his hands one over the other.

"Just think back and tell me."

L sighed and thought back over the years. She had always been excellent at gymnastics, but that was from classes she'd taken. She hadn't really tried anything else.

She shook her head, "I didn't really get involved with anything except some gymnast lessons. I was never in one place long enough to try new things, so no, not really. Why?"

Bryce hadn't seemed to be expecting that reply. L watched him turn towards the fire again and then back to her after a moment.

He seemed to be very excited about something.

"Okay, let's try it out then. I'm going to do something, and I want you to watch every detail carefully, then try to do it yourself. Got it?"

L looked at him in disbelief, wondering if it was possible for Elves to lose their minds.

"No, not really. What does that have to do with powers and going to rescue the Worcesters? Why do you all insist on wasting time?"

Bryce snorted derisively and rolled his eyes, "Just for once in your life, do as you're told, please, and I'll explain it afterwards. Otherwise, you won't believe me."

L sighed audibly, if this were any other situation she would have swore and told him where to go after talking to her like that, but if this helped sonehow, she couldn't risk him taking it back. Instead, she nodded and watched. Bryce grinned in what looked like relief and stepped back so there was more room. L observed him closely. Her jaw dropped open when he jumped high into the air and flipped backwards, effortlessly, before falling back to the ground, landing silently.

L shook her head slowly, "I can't do that! I'm good at jumps and flips, but that's with mats and springboards. I'm definitely not that good. What do you take me for?"

Bryce wiggled a brow, "Just try it. You already have the knowledge of flips, so this should be even easier, and if you can't, then I'll catch you, I promise."

L didn't hold much stock in promises, but she supposed if she got hurt, then Bryce would be in a lot of trouble, and that was a comforting thought. Although she wasn't actually scared to try it, the embarrassment of trying and failing was more than she wanted to experience in front of him.

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