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     Jaemin removed one of his headphones, looking up from his book and over his shoulder. He smiled, seeing his best friends, Jeno and Jisung

     "DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE NEW STUDENTS???" Jeno shouted excitedly.

     Jaemin shook his head.

     "It's gay couple from China and a boy from Germany!" Jisung informed. 

     "Woah!~ Germany?!" Jaemin exclaimed. 

     The two nodded happily. 

     "And they're our age! They're joining our class!" Jeno said, giving him his infamous eye-smile. 

     Just then the bell rung loudly. The boys set off to their class, sitting down. Jaemin tapped his pen excitedly, biting his lip. He was excited for the new students, yes, but there was something else he was highly anticipating as well. 

     "Here he comes! Here he comes!" Jeno whispered excitedly to him, shaking his shoulder. 

     Just then, Huang Renjun, the boys' crush, entered the room. Jaemin sighed dreamily, clutching his chest as he practically melted. 

     "He's so cute" Jeno huffed, resting his head in his hand. 

     "You guys are whipped" Jisung shook his head, flipping through their textbook to find their assigned page.  

     "Hey Jisung, look" Jeno pointed at the door. 

     Jisung looked up catching the eyes of Zhong Chenle. The purple haired boy blushed and quickly looked away. Jisung just sighed and looked back at his book even though was screaming inside. 

     "Aw~ Your ears are turning red!" Jaemin teased. 

     Jisung just rolled his eyes, blushing faintly. 

     "Cute" Jaemin laughed a little. 

     A few other familiar faces entered, the students Kim Doyoung and Johnny Seo sitting in the back like always. When it came to those two, not many people could get them to talk. With Johnny, Mark Lee was the only one who got him to open up. It wasn't that Johnny didn't like people, but his Korean wasn't the best and he looked so scared when people approached him that most of them just backed off after a small introduction. And no teacher dared to call his name after he nearly cried from the surprise spotlight. Then there was Doyoung, who spoke to no one. Because every time you did, he'd either ignore you or walk away. 

     Kim Doyoung was a mystery that not even Mark or Jaehyun could talk to. 

     A few cheers were heard when Mark entered the room. He high-fived numerous people and made sure to greet the shy kids before he went and sat beside Johnny, ruffling his hair from behind. Johnny jumped, obviously scared from the sudden touch. 

((Bold = English, Italic = Chinese))

     "Ah~ I gotta remember to stop doing that" Mark sighed, sitting beside. 

     "O-Oh- uhm- it's fine" Johnny stuttered. 

     "How you doing bud?" Mark asked. 

     "I mean fine I guess" he mumbled. 

     Mark frowned and moved closer, putting his hand on Johnny's thigh since it usually calmed him down. 

     "Johnny, what have I told you about lying? I can tell when you're doing it" he spoke a bit sternly. 

     "I.... I had a panic attack in the bathroom..." he mumbled.

     Mark sighed, rubbing his leg.

     "Johnny, you need to tell me when this stuff happens. What happened?" Mark asked. 

     "Nothing..." Johnny replied. 

     Mark gave a slightly disapproving look but decided to drop the topic. 

     "Hey Mark!" a familiar voice rang.

     "Jaehyun!~ Why are you here?!" Mark smiled at him. 

     "Transferred classes" Jaehyun replied with a shrug. 

     Mark 'ah'ed as Jaehyun sat beside him.

     "Who's this?" Jaehyun asked

     "Oh yeah! This is Johnny, he's more comfortable with English if that's okay" Mark smiled. 

     "Of course man!" Jaehyun smiled. 

     Johnny looked at him in surprise. 

     "You speak English? Are you foreign?" Johnny asked, interested now.

     "No, but I lived in America for 4-5 years" Jaehyun replied. 

     "Woah~" Johnny awed, his eyes sparkling. 

     Jaehyun let out a small chuckled, looking away for a minute to hide a slight blush. 

     "Where are you from?" Jaehyun asked. 

     "Chicago..." Johnny replied. 

     Jaehyun nodded, noticing that he seemed uneasy. 

     "Okay class!" the teacher called "As you have probably heard, we have several new students"

     He stepped aside and gestured toward the door from them to enter. 

     "So please welcome them" he smiled. 

     Three handsome boys entered the classroom. 

     "Hello! My name is Xiaojun" The first boy greeted. 

     The teacher paused, looking among the students as most of them didn't understand him. Kun was able to translate for them. 

     The teacher chuckled "I guess Kun's our translator"

     "Hello, i'm Hendery, his boyfriend" The next greeted. 

     Kun translated that as well. 

     "And I'm Yangyang! I'm Chinese-German!" the last greeted cutely. 

     Kun chuckled a little at his cuteness before translating

     The two looked him up and down with smirks, Hendery whispering something to Xiaojun, making him nod. 

     Yangyang went to the back of the class, sitting down. The other two boys sat on either side of him, Hendery putting his hand on his thigh and Xiaojun resting his arm on the back of his chair. 

     The rest of the class continued pretty normally... 

     That was going to be one of the last normal days that the class would have.  

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