~~~ Truths, Decisions And Plans ~~~

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Finally, he nodded.

"Alright, I'll do it, and when it works, will you believe me? We do have other things to discuss."

L nodded before he had even finished and pressed her hand into her jeans pocket, holding onto the note for added support. She hoped these apparent powers might bring her closer to her parents.

Bryce huffed out a breath and moved around the table so he was standing in front of her again, rubbing his hands together.

"Okay, we'll try simple levitation. The only thing that can go wrong with this is that you'll float too high and then fall, but like I said, I'll catch you. Right, basic Elf magic is about envisioning what you want and summoning the power from deep inside your core. That's where your magic would be held if you were an Elf. Since you're a Keeper, we'll have to assume it's in your mind with the rest of your power."

L thought she understood so far and pursed her lips. She took her hand out of her pocket, and waited for Bryce to show her what to do. He didn't appear to be concentrating at first and briefly looked out of the window, but then he returned his gaze to L as if nothing happened.

"Okay, ready to try? Remember, envision yourself floating off of the ground and use the power stored inside. Watch me first, and then you can give it a try."

Bryce stood there for a few seconds, and then suddenly he began to float upwards. He rose a few feet, then slowly descended back to the floor. He smiled at L and gestured for her to try. She closed her eyes to focus her thoughts. She imagined herself floating like Bryce had and opened her eyes to see that she hadn't moved. She took a long, deep breath and kept her eyes open this time while she found the image again.

This time, she pulled on something that was in the back of her mind, a feeling of something akin to determination and was something she used when she was running or climbing. She looked down at her feet to see that she was floating quickly into the air, and she couldn't help smiling at Bryce. Her amusement was short-lived, however. Her levitation wasn't exactly like Bryce's, though. She was going too high too fast and she started to panic.

She almost hit the ceiling before something inside her snapped and she plummeted back down. She didn't have the chance to hit the ground, though because Bryce caught her in his arms, just like he said he would. Her panicked state wouldn't have allowed her to drop into a roll like she would have when jumping from somewhere high.

She held onto Bryce for a moment and saw that he was smiling, though there was concern in his eyes that he wasn't trying to hide.

"I think you might have put a bit more power into that than it needed, or you're more powerful than I realised... but at least now you know that I was telling the truth."

"Yeah, I suppose I do," L said, and her voice was quieter than usual.

It took her a few more seconds to realise she was still in Bryce's arms, and she scrambled to get down.

He set her on her feet, and L backed away slightly. She cleared her throat and peered around awkwardly.

"So what now? Can I go on the rescue with you since I know what I am and what I can do?"

Bryce widened his eyes, "You're not concerned about Frallica or her Demon horde? She is the reason you grew up without your parents and the one who took the Worcesters. You're not in control of your powers right now. It'll take a lot more practice before you'll be formidable to any Demon."

L tilted her head in thought and took a few moments to ease away from the pain his words caused, then she looked at him with a smirk.

"No, I'm not concerned because you can show me how to become invisible or something. It's my duty to get the Worcesters back from her no matter what. And we don't have to go alone, don't you know anyone that could help?" L raised a brow and turned away before he could answer. She flapped her arms to her side, "She might not even be there. It could be easier than you think. I might not be formidable, but I am great at sneaking around, and with extra abilities like yours, I could be undetectable. What do you say?"

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now