Chapter Three

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I walked downstairs to stand beside Mrs. Blanche.
"Mrs. Blanche?" I asked.
"Yes, dear?"
"Are they going to like me?"
She stopped what she was doing on her cell phone and gave me a reassuring smile. "Of course, my dear. Why wouldn't they like you?"
"The other kids in my family made fun of me. I don't want that to happen again."
"Awh, dear." She comes to me and gives me a warm hug. "Of course they'll love you. Why wouldn't they?"
"Well, I'm bargaining into their home and now their going to have to share everything with me and they'll end up hating me."
"Oh, honey, you're not the only foster child here."
"I'm not?"
"Of course not. I have dedicated my life to helping innocent children have a good life for themselves."
I had never been in a home that had other orphans like me and to be living with others who have been abandoned by their parents. I'd have people who relate to me. Maybe living here won't be as bad as I feared it would be.
I hear giggling and the front door opening and I slide behind Mrs. Blanche. She smiles at me and welcomes the gigglers. They're two blonde girls who look exactly alike. Twin. She is fostering twins.
Rosa!" One of the girls smile and it took me a minute to realize that they were referring to Mrs. Blanche.
"Hello girls! Did you have a fun time at the mall?"
"Yes! We got so many new things!" The other girl giggles again. She seems to giggle at any given time because she responds to someone by giggling before actually answering.
"Ella, Carol, I want you to meet Foster Cummings. She will be staying with us for now on."
She pushes me from behind her and leaves me to the judging stares of the twins.
At first they just looked me up and down with a hint of disgust but soon Giggles started to giggle once more. I'm sure ill rip my hair out if she keeps this up.
"Carol, isn't she adorable?" Giggles, Ella, says.
"She is, Ella!" Carol says to her sister. They were taller than me and has to be at least two years older than me. They worn tight jeans and snug black and white shirts with different logos. "It's nice to meet you, um, Foster? You're name is actually Foster?"
"I, um, yes. It's ally parents left me." I say, softly.
"Awh, that's so sad." Ella says and Carol looked bored. I was beginning to doubt this once more.
"Why don't you girls go and relax. Foster, do you want to help with dinner?" She actual makes it sound like a choice; whereas, any other person demanded me to do. I nod silently and we start to wash our hands.
"Don't worry about Carol too much dear. She's been through a lot and so many people has let her down she has a hard time trusting anyone but her sister and now me. It'll take time and she'll love you as she would a sister."
I didn't respond only thoroughly washed my hands, absent-mindedly.
"W-where are the other two?" I sort of whispered. She smiles down at me, "Kristien took Matthew to the Fun House Arcade in town. I told Matthew that I had a surprise waiting when he got home. He must be so excited."
I was the surprise? What if he doesn't like his surprise? What if he shuts me out like Carol did? Would I even make friends here? Would I even get to stay here long enough to even have a home? Or a real family? I sighed inward. I missed Selena. Though she was younger than me, she knew how to comfort me and say that I needed to suck it up and make the best of it. I rolled my eyes at her huffing at my sadness and rolled her eyes saying, "What is the worst that can happen? They don't like you and boil you up for dinner and eat you with the side of rice?" I would laugh because she would think up the craziest things to make me laugh and it would work. Then we would make a whole story up of how it would go and laugh all night.
"Foster, are you okay? Foster?" Mrs. Blanche had her hands on my arms gently shaking me. I shook me head and looked at her confused. Was I really that deep in my thoughts?
"I-I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, dear. I just got a little worried when you didn't respond. Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah just thinking about Selena." I admitted.
She's quiet for a while and then she smiles at me. "She must be a lovely girl."
"Oh she is ma'am." I said excitedly.
"What is she like?"
I beamed and launched into my tale of the Great Selena. Before I knew it I was setting the table and telling her about how Selena would sing a bunch of Disney and show tunes. We laughed and laughed. Actually bonding. Maybe I was going to like it here, I thought.
The door slams open making us both jump and laughter is boomed as two boys walk through the door.
"Kristien! Matthew!" Mrs. Blanche greets the noise makers.
"Rose!!!" The little one, Matthew, squeals and runs to Mrs. Blanche with open arms. "I had a fun day with Kristien!" He says excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at his excitement until I caught a weird state from Kristien. Should I talk to him? But as I looked into his eyes I found myself at loss of words. They were big cold eyes and I felt as if I were caught in a storm in the middle of the ocean. He had short brown hair and he looked built. He worn a plain gray shirt and dark pants and boots. Though I could get lost in his eyes, his stare made me uncomfortable.
"Who's that Rose?" Matthew broke the awkward silence.
"That, my dear, is your surprise. Matthew meet your biologic sister, Foster."

I know it's been a long wait for an update but I did have to wait until I got a new phone which took forever and I could only get on wattpad in the mornings but now i got a phone and I can update at any given moment!!! So I will definitely be updating a lot more.
So I hope that this is a good update and I will try not to keep you waiting for such a long time!!!

Comment and tell me what you think!!!

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