~~~ Actions And Reactions ~~~

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It wasn't 'a something', however, but 'a someone' and a Fairy at that. It was only when she perched on Bryce's shoulder that L could see her clearly. She looked just like Elisie, the Fairy on the bus. Except that her hair was darker, she also wore a different coloured dress and had a tiny satchel over her shoulder.

She was saying something to Bryce, and he was nodding, then she took the minuscule bag off and handed it to him. Bryce stored it away in his own bag and turned to the rest of the group. Lingering his gaze on L, who was still half watching the tiny Fairy.

Her wings were lowered now, so she just looked like a very small girl. She gave L a wave when she saw her looking, and L smiled politely at her, readily turning her attention to Bryce.

"Now that Hallie is here, we can begin. I didn't want to have to explain it to you all individually and risk being heard. I'd like to move sooner rather than later. I'll go over what I know, and then we can discuss a few strategies, but I want to do most of that while we're on the road, just in case things change as we go.

"Time is of the essence. We need to move as quickly and quietly as we can. We're taking a big risk by bringing L with us. It puts everyone in even more danger, but it also defies the Council. So, you can all feel free to change your minds right now. You won't be thought any less of."

He seemed to be aiming that particular sentence at Emilia, who gave him a cold glare back. L felt guilty, remembering Illiana's little face staring up at her from her garden fence.

"I am going with you and don't you dare try to change my mind, this is important to me as well. I think you forget that the Worcesters saved my life once!"

L blinked back surprise at Emilia's words, "They saved your life? How? When?"

Emilia looked like she was about to answer, but Bryce cut across her.

"I think that's a story for another time, but yes, I remember. I just wanted to make sure everyone is sure they know what they're getting themselves into."

Every single head nodded, although L's was a little less confident now. She had come to realise that she was the reason every one of them would be in more danger, and even bigger trouble when they got back. Despite her feelings, she knew she wouldn't turn back now. Her mind was constantly on Robbie and his family. Even when Maeve and Matilda had been trying to distract her.

The memory of her nightmare still haunted her, not that she'd have told anyone, but it made her more determined to find them herself. She watched as everyone gathered in closer, or as close as the Ogres could get, and they waited for Bryce to begin.

"From what I've gathered through my contacts, the Worcesters are being kept by a number of Frallica's Demons. They're being held in an old abandoned farmhouse, it's inconspicuous, and looks derelict so they're rarely disturbed by anyone, Supernatural or Norm-"

"Must you use that word? It isn't very nice."

Emilia interrupted, and L held back a smile. She wondered to herself if that was actually a bad term for humans. But the way Emilia spoke to him, it definitely showed that they were siblings.

Bryce scrunched his face at Emilia. There was amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Yes I must, as I was saying, it's in the middle of nowhere and I didn't get a clear number of how many Demons there are or what levels, so we need to expect everything. That's why I asked you all to come. I need your vast talents and abilities to add to my own, but I also have one other reason."

He lowered his voice further, and everyone leaned in.

"I need you all to teach a little something to L while we're on the move. I've told her everything about her powers and also showed her how to use them. Yes, before you start," he eyed Emilia specifically. "I know I shouldn't have, but she needed to know, for her own safety. The Council would rather leave her to be protected by others and unable to fend for herself if danger finds her."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now