Suck My D-ck

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"Stupid ass emo bitch don't know what the hell she's talking about!"
The tall skeleton ranted to his small possy of followers. They couldn't even be considered friends to him. He pulled out a cigarette from his leather jacket's pocket and a fighter from the opposite side. His heel tapped quickly against the dirty tan tiles. His anger was getting to him again. He quickly had a thought of regret before putting the death stick in between his teeth. The boys around him seemed to relax as G was instantly relaxed by the puffs.
"You want us to get 'em G? I'm sure we can have a lil' fun with the whore. If you know what I mean?"
The kid who spoke was Jonny. He had an accent of southern hospitality, but his words were nothing but hostile. Jonny always had a simple fishing hat and shirts that were cut to show his arms. G glared at Jonny, the boy should know by now that the emo girl was his to mess with. She was one of a couple G enjoyed plaguing their lives with himself. The skeleton caught the faintest scared look on Jonny's face. The micro-expression didn't last long before the boy's chubby cheeks shifted into a smirk.
"I'm kidding G. We know how you are with your properties."
G gave a chuckle in response as he twirled the bud of his cigarette in his long fingers. He tossed the burning end on Jonny's slides. The kid yelled out in surprise and pain. He quickly picked up his foot and rubbed the spot that the ashes had burnt him. G laughed and hesitantly the other two boys in the group joined in the laughter. Jonny hopped on his foot and let out a laugh that would seem strained to anyone else.
"Well, it's about time I head on home. See y'all tomorrow."
Jonny started walking down the hallway with a new hole in this sock and a burn on his tan skin.
"Yeah, see ya cousins lover."
G yelled out so Jonny, who was already at the other side of the hallway about to leave, could hear him.
"You kids better get back to your momma too. She might call your daddy. Wait she can't do that if she doesn't even know who he is."
The twins frowned with poison in their eyes at G. Though they didn't say anything to him, they wouldn't let that comment slide. Their names are Drake and Kanye. The boys were popular with the girls because of their light chocolate skin and curly hair. The jokes G made had hurt them on a very personal level. They lived with their single mother after their father was unknown to their mother. They didn't like G. No one did. He was awful to everyone, or at least that's what people saw.
G glanced around the hallway.  Not a soul at the lockers. No one Coming from classes. Busses are gone. Cars are too.
Free range.
He could see her now.
"Frisk, you come out now baby."
Sparkling yellow eyes opened in a dark corner. A girl with dark brown hair that was almost black. Blue highlights in her hair brought a bit of color to her Dark themed clothes. He smiled down at her. His hands met the sides of her cheeks. She looked back up to him with a smile. Frisk went on her tip toes to reach his chin. He leaned down and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands found them selves a spot on her waist and he picked her up. Their four heads collided gently as Frisk wrapped her legs around him. After a moment, G leaned into the girl and she returned the gesture. Their lips met and they shared a passionate kiss. It wasn't their first; they met everyday after school to do this. Sometimes it would get too heated for their high school hallway and G would teleport them to his home. He always made sure that Frisk consented to what he did. Of course teens were going to get frisky; it's just what they do. It made no difference to Frisk that G was a year behind her in school (due to monster human integration). it Certainly didn't matter to her that he was almost twenty. G broke away the kiss first.
"Do... Do you need to go anywhere for a couple hours?"
She looked up at him with a confused look.
"No, I don't think so."
He rested his head on hers and smiled. His smile shifted into a smirk as he began to let her down. Much to her disliking she went along with his gesture and removed her legs and arms from him.
"You wanna go to my place? Maybe watch a movie?"
Frisk's smile widened at his question. G always liked to watch horror movies with Frisk. You could probably guess why. If you can't then it was because she always ended up on his lap. He really liked the body contact, or maybe it was just his possessiveness.
Frisk nodded happily and practically bounced as they walked down the hallway hand in hand. Before they exited, g let go and opened the door to look outside. He was looking to see if anyone was outside; if anyone were to see them together then their world would fall apart. Their relationship was... Complicated to say the least. They both had agreed that in public they would act like they didn't like or hate each other. They did this for their reputations. If people found out Frisk was with a monster and a criminal, her brother Chara would likely kill someone. Not only Frisk's family but her future  colleges wouldn't accept a monster lover. In G's prospective, he could lose his school "friends", customers, and family. He knew he could give all that up for her, but he couldn't hurt her future. G nodded to Frisk as a sign that the coast is clear. She threw on the hood of her black hoodie and walked out of the high School with G.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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