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"please, leave. I don't want you to see me like this" I begged, but the members stayed put.

" yoongi, were not leaving you right now. please tell us what's going on!" namjoon said, he stood from his chair and walked over to me.

you pathetic peice of shit. look at what your doing. this is why they all left you, your ruining them yoongi. your so fucking disgusting. can't you see how your hurting them right now?"

I desperately tried to block out the voice, but it's venom injected into me with no remorse. I kept pulling at my hair, but it didn't help. I stood up, and pushed past namjoon nd seokjin. I started pacing back and forth. I saw them staring at me, they probably thought I was crazy.

what the fuck are you doing. are you really that pathetic! look at them, they think your crazy. your fucking crazy. your insane. what kind of same person would do this. your making them hate you. as if they didn't hate you beforr. your such a fucking waste of space.

my pace quickened. I started grabbing at my clothes, and instinctively reached in my pocket, only to realise that my blade want there anymore. I desperately walked cover to namjoon.

"joon please give it back" I said.

"give what back?" he asked. I started to scratch my arm.

"you know. give it back. i need it. just a little bit, please"

"yoongi I'm not giving you your razor" he said coldly. I scratched at my arm harder, and pulled at my hair again. I cursed under my breath.

your horrible. you don't deserve to live, you don't even deserve their pity. your lucky their willing to even pity you this mich. I know that they hate you, no one could ever love someone like you. you should've killed yourself then. your so weak you can't even kill yourself properly. pathetic.

"namjoon, you don't understand." I said desperatly.

"yoongi, please calm down." jin said. he looked scared. " tell us what's happening.

"i can't!" I said. namjoon looked at with worry.

"why not?" he asked.

"i just can't so please give it back."

"I'm not giving it to you yoongi. let us help you right now. you don't need it ok, were here for you" namjoon said. my breathing was so fast that I could barely take it, and my heart pounded.

your so pathetic and disgusting. they don't care about you, no one does. they'll all leave you just like your parents. no one ever wanted you, your such a fucking mistake. you deserve pain. just die already

"namjoon please it wants me to do it, I have to" i said. I instantly hated myself for letting those words slip out of my mouth. instantly they began bombarding me with questions.

"it?" he asked. "whose it?" I shook my head.

"nothing. no one. namjoon I'm really freaked out right now I need it"

"yoongi you don't need it. tell me who it is"

"it's no one!" I yelled.

"obviously it's someone if your freaking out over it this much" jin said. "please yoongi let is help, talk to us. you don't need to hurt yourself anymore, were here for you"

my heart pounded, I stared up at the members. their faces were soft and worried. I wrapped my arms around myself, and tried my hardest to shut out the voices. there was only one option. only one way out, I just had to say it.

don't do it yoongi they don't love you. don't disobey me. I'm the only one you need, they don't matter.

I took a deep breath. and looked up at them. my body shook, and I slowly opened my mouth. I felt tears start to drip down my cheeks, and I felt sobs start to build up inside of my throat.

"pleasee...." I whined. "help me..."

V E N O M - Bts, YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now