Chapter One

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"Bam!" I shouted and as I chased after my best friend, running through his house and up and down stairs, Ville was sitting at the table laughing at us, I flipped him off before continuing the chase.

I was without a doubt happy that Ville was staying here for a few weeks because I was as close with him as I was with Bam, but right now I was a girl on a mission.

I finally caught up to Bam, extremely out of breath, but he was trapped in a corner so it was fine

"Brandon Cole Margera, where is my damn skateboard?" I asked him, it was a new one I had recently bought and I had Just broken it in and I knew he had it.

"I don't know, maybe Ville took it," he said innocently, but after a moment of me staring at him a smirk formed on his perfect lips-wait what. I mean lips, on his completely normal lips.

"Come on where is it" I whined like a child and he smiled this time

"I can't tell you where it is until you agree to something," He said, devilishly, making me groan in annoyance

"Fine what is it?: I asked, putting my hands on my hips

"You have to take part in a Jackass or Viva La Bam stunt," he said and I groaned again, these stunts are hilarious until your the one performing them, well even then they're a bit funny but also terrifying, trust me on that one.

"Okay fine, fine whatever now where's my board?" I said, referencing to the skateboard that I had named Blue.

"It's downstairs hiding by Ville's feet under the table," He said and as I was walking away he spoke, "Love you, Annabelle!!" He said almost sarcastically, I turned around and squinted my eyes at my best friend, as he smiled innocently, he was planning something and I knew it.

But, I ran downstairs to check under the table anyways, Ville saw me coming and saved us both time by passing me the skateboard kindly, I'd always liked Ville, actually had a crush on him when I had been a bit younger, but that's in the past, so when he winked at me I simply brushed it off and went to find Bam again so we could all go skating together.

I had ended up walking into Bams room unannounced like I always do, only this time he had been changing so I walked in on Bam in all his naked glory, which was a good sight don't get me wrong but still embarrassing

"Oh god! I'll wait outside jesus christ" I said, flustered as I closed the door, minutes later he popped out, laughing at me, while I was glaring at him

"I was wondering if we could all go skating, ya know me you Novak, Ville, the usual crew" I asked hopefully, but shyly

"Why of course we can little missy!" he said cheerfully and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder,

"My my what a nice view, should wear these leggings more often" He said and I slapped his back, "Bam!" I yelled and then heard laughing "He's not wrong Annabelle, it is a veryy nice view" Ville said, but then Bam's hand was on my ass, covering it from Ville's view, causing me to snicker, and Ville to pout, and Bam to smirk.

After making sure I had a grip on my skateboard, Bam carried me like that all the way to the skate park, we probably got some weird looks, but I didn't really care.

"We're here babe!" Bam shouted, and while it was weird to hear him call me that, I was used to it at the same time so it didn't bother me. I got a glance at Ville though, and he had a smirk on his face, but why?

I finally was put down and I cheered in victory, dropping my skateboard while running and then jumped on it, going and doing tricks on ramps and dropping in to the concrete 'pools', the boys watching in amusement as I fell straight on my ass during the drop in, I turned around and yelled at them purely for my amusement, completely oblivious to the other people in the skatepark,

"Fuck you!" I shouted at Bam and Ville, causing them to feign innocence and put their hands on their chests, and as if planned; spoke at the same time,

"Who? Me?" Now once they said that I burst out laughing at their act, causing them to smile and bow, but then Ville pushed Bam over with his foot, making Bam fall into the same pool that I was in, which would've been funny but Bam fell onto me! Soon realizing the position we were in, I pushed him off me and walked away over to Ville, flustered, Ville was just smirking down at me.

"What?" I asked him and he smiled his famous megawatt smile

"I know something you don't!" He said in a girlish tone before booping my nose like I was a child, while saying "Boop!" So I lightly smacked him upside the head

"You freak," I said to Ville as Bam showed up and rested his arm on my shoulder

"She's not wrong, Ville" Bam said and I snickered under my breath

"Oh you two are both dead now," Ville said as he began to chase us around the skate park, nearly killing us a couple times and scaring away all the other occupants of the park, not that we minded in the slightest.

We liked to imagine that we owned this park, I mean it should be ours since we were the only ones here most days and we made sure it stayed in good condition.

"Novaaaaaak! Help!" I yelped as I ran to him and he pulled me behind his back just as Ville and Bam came running up to us

"Give us the girl," now I should've been scared but at that moment all I could think about was how much Ville's accent showed as he said that

I noticed instead of looking at Novak like Ville was, Bam was actually staring at me, his blue eyes looking particularly beautiful in this light, I began to get lost in his eyes until a very annoying screech interrupted the moment of silence between us.

"Bam! Why didn't you tell me you were going to the skatepark with her?" Missy said snottily,

Missy was Bam's girlfriend. And for whatever reason, she absolutely despised me. I didn't mind her at first but now she annoys the piss out of everyone. Including Bam.

"Because I don't have to tell you everything I do Missy, and she has a name, it's Annabelle and she is my best friend. Deal with it" he said as he subconsciously stood in between me and wannabe Barbie

I snickered at the pissed off-how dare you-expression on her face and she obviously heard me laughing at her cause she spoke with a higher pitched tone than before.

"Why the fuck are you laughing? Hmm?" She said and I just snickered again

"Cause you're a no good piece of spoiled shit that treats Bam like he's your servant" I said before I squeezed past the guys and pointed my finger at her chest and was slowly leading her backwards closer to the cement pools

"Look, I know you think you can have everything you want and make it the way you like, but that's not how Bam is. You can't change him, he is the way he is and if you can't accept that, well then"
I paused and harshly shoved her backwards so she fell onto the cold cement ground of the pool, but not hard enough to do any damage,
"Fuck off and put yourself out of our misery," I said before hopping on my board and skating back to the house pissed off.

My Skater Girl (Bam Margera/Jackass/Viva La Bam fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now