Chapter 2

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I nearly fell off of my board from being too angry while skating, dumb I know.

I left it outside and ran up the stairs, ignoring people calling after me. I walked into my room, accidentally bumping into my cat, Chester, before proceeding to shed my clothing and throw on a large danger cats hoodie and a pair of my old volleyball shorts, then I threw myself onto my bed and attempted to crawl under the covers, falling asleep fairly quickly. For some reason, when I'm angry I tend to fall asleep faster. Either that or I take it out on myself or others, so In my humble opinion it is statistically safer that I just try to sleep.

My peaceful attempt at sleep was ruined not even 20 minutes later thanks to random yelling, laughing, and arguing from -I'm assuming- downstairs. I connected my phone to the surround sound bluetooth and tried to drown out the arguing with Twisted Sister. Which didn't work very well, at all. They were either having some sort of party downstairs or Missy was here wreaking more havoc.

Loud footsteps boomed up the stairs and then got right up to my door, instantly I rolled over and tried to instinctively hide under the covers and feigned being asleep, which I thought was working until I felt the covers being ripped off of me and in its place- ice cold water, with literal pieces of hard ice mixed in.

I sat straight up and glared at whoever I could set my sight on first, which was Ville. Immediately my glare dropped..he had that affect on me still.

"Get up, darling, in spirit of Dunn claiming he would redo the waterfall stunt, I figured I'd throw some ice water on my favourite person," Ville said before running out of my room, throwing a towel behind him in the process.

Oh well, least the bed will dry out while we're gone.

Somehow Ville had managed to not get my hair wet, so all I had to do was change into my jeans and hoodie that was beside me on the floor, and we were good to go

I got my backpack and tossed in some clothes, my camera, and a box of redbull before zipping it up, grabbing my passport and ticket from Bam, and following the crew out to the vehicles. 

"Like, all because of a bar argument, we're really going to Iceland," Bam laughed as we walked down the stairs. I giggled at him as we exited the house. 

I grabbed my camera and watched the footage from the night before when Bam was explaining that Ryan had agreed to go back to Iceland to go down the waterfall, I doubted he would, but last night he was swearing up and down that he would do it. So here we are. 

I sighed as we finally got moving, the hangover fully setting in at this point. I lit up a cigarette and opened a redbull as we were nearing the airport. 

We walked through the mess of people and were finally on the plane, "Knock it off with the turbulence you prick," I faintly heard Raab say, and I laughed loudly, before falling asleep for the remainder of the flight, 


We are now in Iceland driving in the van, and let me tell you, these boys are very annoying in one van. 
Bam had to break into a plant that manufactured chemicals, and dumped the contents of the barrel out, re-did the seal, and took the barrel back over the fence with him, and now we're back driving, trying to locate this damn waterfall. 
I felt the van jerk and noticed we had pulled over, raab ran out of the van and behind a small rock to take a shit, we all laughed because it was raining and the guy left the toilet paper on the rock right in the rains path. 

"Ew, get your foot out of here, man! Ew! Look at all the fungus," Raab said with a disgusted look on his face as Dunn rested his foot near Raab's face. 

"Hey Dunn, Barrel time," Bam said as we shook Dunn awake, we had finally arrived.|

"The Leggjabrjotur," Bam and I said together as we began the walk, Rake carrying the barrel and the rest of us carrying whatever else, 

Bam took my camera from my bag as I had it off to put my hoodie away, remaining in just a black long sleeved t-shirt, 

We stared down the waterfall, "Jesus christ, he's gonna chicken out dude," I said to Bam as raab was pointing out the jagged rocks, Bam just shook his head, "It's showtime fellas"

They did a bit of an interview before they were telling him to hop in, and he was, of course freaking out. He got in once, before quickly squirming out, getting mad and storming off. I nudged Bam to go talk to him. He was arguing with Dunn, but it looked like eventually Bam convinced him to do it. Raab was talking about how he felt bad now even though he was laughing before, and that he would never ever do it. 

"Okay, just, let's do it, I'm sick and tired of sitting here all nervous, I just wanna get something happening," He said as he began to get in the barrel, 

They pushed him off and we watched as he hit the rocks and then hit the water, a loud noise following, Bam and another guy ran down and helped him out of the water, I followed and helped take the lid off, and pull him out, "You alright?" I asked, but he just ran onto the rocks, hyperventilating and repeating "I don't know," But after a few minutes he was up, high fiving everyone, and we were all able to laugh about the experience and congratulate him on finally completing this stunt. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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