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"Mom! Do you know where my shin guards are?" I called through the house.

"Hanging up behind the Laundry room door!" She yelled back. I did a mental face palm and pranced down the stairs. I checked behind the door and to my pleasure my shin guards were waiting.
Wasting no time, I ran up the stairs and grabbed my cleats and a new pair of white socks.

I watched from the floor as my mom filled up my water bottle and set it on the counter.

"Thanks." I said breathlessly before grabbing my soccer bag from the bench and tossing in a knew roll of pre wrap. Inside. My phone screen flicked and I checked it.

iMessage from Mack mah main 'We're here'

'K one sec'

'Hurry uppppp'

'Im coming, keep your pants on;)'

"Bye mom, see you at the game, I love you." I told her.

"Play hard, love you too."

"Bye daddy! Love you!" I called.
"Bye honey, love you, see you at the game. Play hard." He called back from his office.

My brother Carson ran down the steps.
"Play hard baby sis, show em watcha Ya got, love you." He told me.
I smiled.

"I will, love you too."

"Bye Chloe! Bye Mike! Love you guys." I called to my older siblings.
The chorused in goodbyes and I love you's before I ran out the door to see Mackenzie's mom's minivan parked on the curb. I ran over as the back door slide open.

"Hey girl!" Ariana called from the back.
"Hey!" I said as I buckled and shut the door.

"Sorry I woke up a little late." I explained to Mrs. Seamor.

"It's fine honey, were a little early anyways." she reassured with a smile.
Kenzie turned from the front seat.

"Took you long enough." she teased.

"I didn't wake up like dis." I sang off key. The girls laughed as we drove to the soccer game.

The minivan pulled into the large parking lot and I hopped out, grabbing my bag and running my hands across the top of my head, checking for no bumps in my ponytail.

"Don't worry, your hair looks perfect as always." Jenna reassured me.
I flashed her a smile before we walked over to the rest of the team, who was already warming up.

"Girls, take a lap." coach Kennedy told us.

I groaned but followed orders.
"It's to early for this." Mack whined.
I nodded, along with the other girls.
We finished our lap, grabbed a soccer ball and began passing drills until the ref checked us and we stretched. Then came the game.

"Starting line up." coach called. We knew who we were. I walked out across the field into right midfield.

I couldn't help but notice that my family wasn't there yet. I shook it off and stretched on more time before the game started.


"Great game girls!" Coach Kennedy congratulated us on our win.

I made a beeline for my bag and pulled out my inhaler, shaking it before taking a hit.

I waited ten seconds before joining the team.

"Not gonna say much, you girls played great, led by our great captains," he paused as the girls clapped. I smiled an thanked them," see you at practice on Monday" he said.

Living With the Johnson BoysWhere stories live. Discover now