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Note, this is a story based more off of the comics, enjoy!))

Magica sighed. One wrong wave of her hand, and poof. She was stuck in this box with her arch enemy's nephew, FOR AN ENTIRE DAY! Or at least until Minima could come get her out of this mess.

"Uhhhhhh....... Soooooooo......" Donald said trying to change the mood.

"What?" Magica said weakly. "What do you need?"

"Just trying to make small talk...." Donald replied.

They both sat there in awkward silence.

"So... Umm... How's your daughter doing?" Donald asked.

Magica laughed "Daughter, no she's my niece. I've had to raise her ever since an.... Incident"

Donald slapped his knee "Well I hear that! Have three boys of my own, nephews."

The two sat in silence for a little while, only breaking the silence to cough or heave an exasperated sigh.

Donald looked at the other duck "So... What was the incident?"

Magica looked back "What.... Oh yeah... Uh, let's just say my brother is.... Gone" she sighed "What about you?"

Donald sighed "Same thing...."

"Do you ever just... Just want a redo?" Magica asked "Like a do over of your whole life?"

Donald nodded, and the two began to laugh. As the day went on, you could've sworn the two were best friends. And even though we all know they aren't, we do know one thing they share.


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