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"Nat." was the only word that came out of my mouth, while staring at her down.

"Baby.... it's not what it seems nor looks like." she tried to explain to me.

And yet she just stood there staring at me as a statue. Until she makes a step towards me and I backwards.

"Baby please...." and she takes more steps towards me while I continue to step backwards.

"Stop!" She screamed at me, making me completely freeze as she moved forward.

After about three long strides towards me she was finally in front of me and she grabbed me for a hug, but I was still tense with her holding me better yet her being this close to me.

"Stop! I said to stop! Relax now, relax and hug me back." she yelled to me, but I didn't. Instead I put my mouth to her ear and whispered.

"Why do you have a gun?" And leaned away looking right into her eyes, yet still in her hold.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't leave me. Please..." She said sadly looking into my eyes.

"Fine. I promise. Now talk." I said trying to remove myself, but with no such luck I was still in her arms.

"Remember the contract?" She had asked me.

"Yes. It's the whole reason that I am here with you in Russia". I had told her.

"Well. . . I had learned something and. . . It stated that I had to do something before I could obtain the contract, yet I was just informed! I swear I didn't know of such things!" Yelling at the end of her sentence now gripping me.

"Natasha just tell me why you have a gun in your hand, you're gripping me so hard that if I wanted to I can't go anywhere even if I tried." I replied to her still trying to get her to let lose on her grip.

"I had to kill-"

But was cut off from her mother finishing her sentence.

"Me. My dear daughter had to kill me in order to fully have you and if she can't, well, Scar I have a plane set up for you to head back to Florida". She finished her sentence smirking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I was still confused about the whole situation at hand. If the contract hasn't been in motion then why am I here?

"Let me break it down for Scar. My dad hated me with a passion it was so strong that during the "great war" that led to the contract, he tried to sacrifice me, but your grandfather had a heart unlike mine and decided to create the contract on both side, but what your grandfather know is that if anyone would completed the contract on our behalf I shall die by the hands of the leader, which as you can tell is my dear daughter-"

"Listen baby I want you... I want you now and forever, but I can't kill my mother. That would bring war on my dad's alliances and he will do it if I lay even an inch on her! You have to believe me I didn't want this nor did I know about the other circumstances of the contract."

But while she was talking I wasn't listening. Instead I looked straight at her mother who might I say staring me dead in the eyes. I was pulled back to reality when Natasha gripped me harder at my waist, then I noticed that she was on the edge of insanity if I didn't show any kind of emotions.

If she couldn't kill her mother I guess I can go back to my normal life. Scar Greene.

"Scar!" I could hear Nat calling for me, but I didn't acknowledge it. I guess the little fairy tale I really wanted could be how I wanted. It's like the saying the world isn't a fairytale.

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