Chapter One

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"I'm really sorry sir" I apologized over and over again for spilling coffee on the guy. He held my hand gently as I was wiping him and told me, "Don''s okay" . That was when I glanced at his face, he was drop dead gorgeous, with deep sea blue eyes and wavy blonde hair and tall. .really tall . Kind of my ideal guy
I was lost looking at him for a while when I heard him say, "....and you? " I guess he had told me his name and was waiting to hear mine.
"Babe, am done. .let's go now" a lady who had come from the washrooms told him .
I felt embarrassed and walked away .
"What were you thinking anyway , a rich guy like that could never fall for a mere waitress like you " Mia my twin sister said .
My name was Malia ,like I said, I have a twin ....we look so much alike ...the only difference is that her hair was blonde mine was it was easy for people to differentiate us. She was also taller than me but I had more curves.
"Where are you going dressed like that ?" I asked her.
"A date ," she said smiling. I must admit I was envious of her since birth. She always seemed better than me in some ways. She always attracted more men than me which didn't make sense cause we were totally alike.
"And what are you dressed up for ?" she asked me laughing.
"I'm coming along baby siz"
"First, we're twins in agemates...second.. you are not going anywhere with me"
I insisted on going with her until she agreed. Soon after we arrived she spotted her date and left me there stranded .
I ordered a drink and found a place to sit. It seemed like everybody around me had a date except me. I sat there alone and miserable while my twin was having fun and laughing her heart out. Watching all that was depressing so..I took my bag and got up to leave .
"You didn't really look the type to be going out to clubs" ....I turned as soon as I recognised that voice was Mr. Dreamy eyes ,that's what I called him cause I actually didn't know his real name ...and his eyes were also really you would stare into them the whole day and not get bored.
"Umm. ...hi," I said ...trying to let out that smile I had always practised for in the mirror.
"I thought you'd not remember me....I didn't catch your name last time though ...," he said looking into my eyes. I felt my stomach grumble ...damn this guy was cute!
"I'm Ma..." " We need to go right now"  Mia cut in. She took my arm dragging me away.
"WTF Mia!!" I asked her angrily
"That guy was a maniac...He wanted to take me to bed forcefully "
"Serves you right ruined my chances of getting to know Mr Dreamy eyes"
"Mr who now?" She asked laughing ," Malia you need to get a hold of yourself ...stick to your lane"
"I really hate you know that?" I told her...though I knew she was right. That guy was taken anyway...a peasant like me can never get a guy like that.

Monday morning meant classes early at seven. I hated Mondays. I only worked in the coffee shop during the weekends, and this weekend we had a technovation seminar for computer science students. Which meant that my chances of ever meeting Mr Dreamy eyes were null.
"See you at lunch Malia" that was Mia. .....she was a medicine student while I was a computer science student . We were geniuses...I know .
"Ssup Joe" I greeted him,he was like my best friend before he had a huge crush on me ....I wonder if he stopped having feelings for me though .
"Malia. ..good to see you was your weekend ". Before I could reply the lecturer got in.
"May I have your attention students ," he said ," I'll be going away this semester and you'll have another substitute take my placeb,he should be here anytime. ..,"
"Sorry I'm late,"Immediately a well dressed guy got in. He looked familiar. way ..."Mr Dreamy eyes!" I gasped audibly .
"Malia...did you just call the new teacher Mr Dreamy eyes"
that was Eve..she said it so loudly that the whole class heard . Everyone was now looking at me, I hid my face behind a book.
"As I was saying " the lecturer continued. ...," this is Garry...I'll leave him now so that you can carry on with your normal lessons ,"
The lesson was two hours long ,and throughout my face was behind a book. I wasn't even listening.
"...well Miss ..what do you think," he was standing right next to me. I couldn't even look at him
"I...I ....aahh....umm...I stammered " Joe came to my rescue and answered the question on my behalf.
Couldn't this day get any worse!! I was feeling frustrated by this week already . I hate Mondays!!
As soon as the bell rang I took my things to leave ,before I could a manly hand got hold of me. It was Mr Dreamy eyes .
"Did you think I'd let you go that easy ?" He said smiling . I looked away. He sensed my being uncomfortable and let go of my hand.
"I finally got to know your name ....though in a very awkward situation ,Malia,a very beautiful name...just like you," I blushed and looked away . Damn it! This man was making me feeling like a stupid 16 year old.
He chuckled lightly then said ,"I heard you call me Mr Dreamy eyes, I didn't know my  eyes were dreamy" Oh crap ! Now he knew I liked him ...I felt like running away.
Thank God someone came back in the room,I took the chance and ran off literally running.
The next two classes before lunch break passed by like I wasn't even there mind was elsewhere. I couldn't wait to tell Mia how my day had been.
.......lunch break.......
"Mia...finally!!" I hugged her ...I really needed a hug at that moment .
"Hold up ....why do you look like that" she asked sounding worried.
"You won't believe what happened to me today .." I started then poured out the whole story.
Immediately I was done she burst into laughter. I just looked at her like....bitch..really .
"I can imagine just how dumb you looked " she said as she continued laughing . I felt like strangling her with my bare hands .
"You're not helping the situation Mia!"
"Oh..sorry (still laughing ) so what are you planning to do"
"I have no's gonna be one long semester "
I managed to get through the rest of the day without running into Garry...
That night he was all I could of. ..the way his hand had an electric effect on my body when he touched me earlier . I couldn't even look him in the eyes ..he was perfect in every aspect .
And now somehow I felt like he also liked had to brush off the thought ..but what if he did ..would I really get myself to tell him how I felt ...would he really be the kind of knight in shining armour that I'd always dreamt of? And why was I even asking myself these questions ?
I slapped myself lightly and muttered,"Get a hold of yourself Malia"  For reasons I couldn't tell..I found myself drifting into sleep..a big smile on my face .
...Tuesday .....
The manner in which I woke up clearly showed that I wasn't ready for today. ..I wasn't ready for classes with Mr Dreamy eyes . I felt like skipping school and before I could convince myself with a good enough excuse..Mia budged in
"The hell. least knock!"
"What are you still doing in bed...thinking of that lecturer guy"
She laughed.
"I don't feel like going to school" I said lazily ..she gave me that raised eyebrow that suggested 'are you kidding me'
"I'd tell you to get serious with your life if I was mom...but am not's your life girl," and with that ..she left . Since when did Mia talk that much sense? I was kinda acting foolish myself ...which was not me...I was the sensible one.
So I got off from bed and I was in school in time for my first class .
I made a decision that day ,"I won't let a mere guy be my weakness...I'm better than that" I kept on repeating that as I walked on the hallway until a voice called me..Garry's voice . I froze in my steps ...should I turn or should I keep going ...and I wanted to keep going but for some reason I turned.
He smiled at me ...oh boy..I just couldn't find the words to describe how I felt .
"Morning are you today  ..less nervous I hope" he must have been as nervous as I was since he was talking a lot..and I must have been stupid for the reply I gave.
"I should get going...I don't want to be late for class "then I turned to keep going.
"Umm...I'm the you should have nothing to worry about " Now I felt more silly
"Oh..right "it felt more awkward as we walked towards the class together in complete silence . He finally said ...
"See me after class ..I have something to tell you " "Sure " I replied flatly. .I didn't want to give him the idea that I had a huge crush on him if it wasn't obvious already.
I couldn't concentrate during the lesson wondering what it was that he wanted to tell me. At one point I would notice him stare at me and he would get lost trying to explain something whenever our eyes met. And each time I'd look away shyly.
Finally the class ended...the time I was waiting for so eagerly. I took  my time packing my stuff as I gave everyone else time to leave.
Once they had ,Garry came to me. .he sat on top of my desk.
"I have a class after this if you don't mind ..."my voice died off when he placed his index finger on my lips . I was shaking with every bone inside my body ...he just stared into my eyes and smiled .
"I know this is wrong ..."he began, " and I know I shouldn't be doing this but. .." he held my face up. I got up quickly and took my bag .
"What are you trying to do sir? " I don't even know where those words came from .
"But I thought you ...I thought we .." "This is all wrong must have misunderstood me or something but you're my teacher ..don't get this the wrong way " and with that ...I left the room . I convinced myself that what I did was the right thing to do at least to keep us off trouble for a while...but I didnt tell anyone what happened that day. .though I recalled the events each and every night.
That night I thought about him...and I couldn't help but ask myself why I didn't let him kiss me. I wondered what his lips tasted like and I found myself touching mine. But I couldn't get any thoughts through. I had never had a romantic life before ...I never knew how it felt to want someone so bad that you couldn't eat. ..that was Mia's life . Mine? I don't want to bore you with the details ...but long story short ..I was a nerd. If it weren't for Joe and Mia I wouldn't have had a social life.
That's why this feeling was strange to me. I actually liked someone who maybe ..kinda ..sotta liked me too..I guess.
My life would have been better if my dad was around ...I would have been a daddy's girl. May be that was why I looked for a father figure in a man.
I kept tossing in my bed. It was two am..I had no class with Garry thank God . But I still forced myself to sleep .
Hi guys ..
So am just a new writer . I've never done this before .
Please leave comments at least I know if am on the right track or not . And if you like it please vote 😁😁
Any comments will be taken positively ..
Thanks for reading

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