centre stage
people stood around nervous and scared, police are filling the hospital and evacuating people from the area near to centre stage, inside centre stage neal and Leanne stood trying to tend to the dying man but they couldn't since the opposite gang member was stopping them.
Neal: look mate I know you think they wronged you but at the moment you can't continue the way you are going people are going to get hurt.
Bulldog1: so they need to learn.
Neal: I know but killing them and hurting others is not the way to approach the situation.
Bulldog: and what do you suggest I do doctor?
Neal: I suggest you put the gun down hand your self in and let us help these people if you don't then the police will come in and shoot you since you still have the gun in your hand.
Bulldog: fine I will lower the gun but you have to stop treating them and treat my friends in the other beds first.
Leanne: your friends are already being treated, hey they may have been seen to by now but you haven't because you are holding us hostage and injuring hospital staff who are trying to help you.
bulldog drops his weapon once he did, Neal continued treating the two patients while Leanne got to her knees and started tending to Christa.
Leanne: I need a collar and a scoop stretcher, and order ahead scan for precautions.
two minutes later the police rush in and arrest the guy with the gun.
leanne and Angus lifted Christa onto the bed, soon they were assessing her head wound.
Angus: how is she doing?
Leanne: you tell me.
Angus: okay gcs is good id say 13, breathing on her own bt give her oxygen through the mask until she wakes up just as a precaution, and get a scan of her head to rule out a concussion.
Leanne: great but aren't you forgetting something.
Angus: err not that I can think of.
Leanne: well we have a female unconscious what's the one question we ask most female patients before we send them for a scan, but in her case, we cant since she is unconscious and strapped to a bed.
Angus: oh god we need to take blood and do a beta hCG test too.
Leanne: good put her in cubicles when she is back from the scan and get me when the results are in.
20 minutes later the blood results came in, soon after Angus took Christa for the head scan since he knew what Leanne was getting at earlier.
angus walks to Leanne who happens to be stood at the nurse's station reviewing patient files.
he hands Christa's blood results to her.
Angus: err doctor rorish here are Christa's blood results I have seen them and I took precautions in x-ray, Christa has had her scan she is in cubicles, just waiting for her to wake up.
Leanne: great I will go see her in a minute alone she may need a female doctor( looks to neal as he walks past the nurse's station).
angus runs off to see to his other patients, whilst Leanne walks over to neal.
neal and Leanne talk
Leanne: neal we need to talk.
Neal: how is Christa doing?
Leanne: she is still out cold but I will be seeing her soon, but I thought you would like to hear it from me before it gets spread around the hospital.
Neal: what?
Leanne: here are Christa's blood results, she is pregnant possibly round about eight weeks.
Neal: yeah that works out right, and thank you let me know when I can see her, please.
Leanne: I will.
Leanne walks off she walks to the cubicle where Christa lay in bed.
in cubicle
Christa's Pov
I had a dream of floating on a cloud, in my dream, I married this amazing man called neal and we had a bunch of kids together, and that we lived happily ever after, but then my dream went and all I felt was my body against something soft, as I become aware of my surrounding I feel this pain in one side of my face, it feels like a stinging sensation, I try to open my eyes but as I do my face reminds me of what happened and then I feel my head throbbing in sympathy, I open my again and this time I manage to see were I was, as my vision became clear I see that i am lay on a trolley in a cubicle, I breathe trying not to cause my self to throw whatever was in my stomach, but unfortunately my stomach betrays me and my face turns white and the two people beside me watching me notice.
Leanne: mamma bowl now she is going to vomit.
mamma grabs a bowl, he passes the bowl to me and then I throw up whatever was in my stomach, I feel a hand rubbing my back, I lay back once I am finished, I look to my side and I see Leanne watching me.
Leanne: you're awake how you feeling?
Christa: uhh nauseous, and my face is sore.
Leanne: yeah that will hurt for a few days since your patient clobbered you in the face with the butt of a gun.
Christa: oh yeah now it's coming back to me now, what's the damage?
Leanne: err two stitches in your eyebrow a slight concussion and you will have a black eye for a couple of days.
Christa: great can I get anything for the pain?
Leanne: sure mamma can give you some Tylenol.
Christa: thanks Leanne now when can I get back to work?
Leanne: slow down there Christa you have just taken a knock to the head, and you were out for quite some time, plus we need to observe you for a little while longer, and I need some history from you.
Christa: read my file you will know my history.
Leanne: I can't because I think it won't tell me what I want to know.
Christa: and what's that?
Leanne: how were you before you got injured?
Christa: I was fine why?
Leanne: are you sure?
Christa: yeah why did you find something out from my blood results?
Leanne: yeah I did and I was hoping you might want to tell me why you didn't tell me you threw up this morning.
Christa: it was nothing.
Leanne: it wasn't just nothing you were throwing up for most of the morning and you didn't keep yourself hydrated so that's why you were unconscious longer, and neal is worried about you I think you two should talk unless you want to talk to me.Christa: what about?
Leanne: your symptoms they all add up to pregnancy, so I did blood and it was positive.
Christa: great.
Leanne: hey now i know you would rather tell neal but he already knows so he s waiting to talk to you, and you are not alone in this.
Christa: i know.
Leanne: good know get some rest and let the drip run through i will check up on you later, and i will send neal in to see you.
Christa: thanks leanne.
Leanne: your welcome.
leanne walks off to deal with patients and her residents.

momma knows best
FanficChrista and neals relationship and they didn't leave, plus they stayed together my take on what they would be like as a couple and a family working together in the same hospital