chapter 3

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half an hour later 

neal finished his shift, just before he finished his shift Leanne pulled him to one side and told him that Christa was awake and she was ready to listen to him, he drops the last patient file on the nurses desk, he takes his stethoscope off and he heads to the side bays, he walks to bed where Christa lay,as he approached he seen she was asleep so he takes a stool and he sits on the stool watching the mother of his unborn child sleep, he stares at her for a good ten minutes until he starts to daydream but then he is brought out of the daydream when he hears a voice.

Christa: you know your staring right.

neal sits up in a shock when he hears her voice.

Neal: hey you're awake how you feeling?

Christa: tired and my head is killing me, and the drip is annoying me now.

Neal: well you need the fluids since you didn't tell people you were sick and you failed to look after yourself.

Christa: yes stop going on about me being a bad mother I know.

Neal: hey your not a bad mother you are scared and with the right help and support you will get through this pregnancy and don't forget we are not replacing your son with our child we are giving him a little sister or brother.

Christa: yeah we are and do you mean it.

Neal: what?

Christa: you will be there not walk away from us.

Neal: am here arent i.

Christa: yeah.

neal wraps his arms around Christa he brings her into his arms, she places her head against his chest and the two sat quietly cuddling one another.

a few minutes later Leanne approaches the cubicle, Neal sees her coming over and he releases Christa from his grasp.

Leanne: hey you looking better than before.

Christa: yeah I feel it, (gets up from the bed hoping to be released from the hospital, but as she does she feels dizzy and nearly collapses).

leanne and neal see Christa get off the bed, but then she goes dizzy and starts to fall, Neal grabs hold of her stopping her from falling.

Neal: Woah easy there.

Leanne: let's get her back on the bed and hook her up to the monitors.

neal puts Christa back on the bed with Leanne's help, whilst Christa was complaining.

Leanne: Jesse can you hook Christa up to the monitors I want her blood pressure checked and her blood sugar levels too, she isn't leaving until I am satisfied( shouts over her friend and head nurse to treat her resident).

Jesse: sure thing daddy.

leanne walks off leaving neal and Jesse to work on Christa.

jesse does as he is told he wraps the blood pressure cuff around Christa's arm, and he takes her temperature to, and then he pricks her finger to test her blood for the sugar levels.

Neal: how is she doing Jesse?

Jesse: as well as to be expected her temperature is slightly elevated possibly a cold starting, her blood pressure is low and so is her sugar levels.

Neal: let me see the blood sugar test stick?
jesse hands the device to neal who is unhappy at how low Christa's sugar levels are.

Christa: so when can I get out of here?

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