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Erza took a step forward, as did Rufus, Minerva, Orga, Pantherlily, Happy, Rogue, and Yukino. They all had the same look of darkness and determination in their eyes that Juvia and Levy had. "Elementals have to stay together." Erza said, "Which means I'll go wherever you do."

"You guys are our family now, it wouldn't be the same if you were all gone." Minerva smirked, "I'll gladly become a member of your dark guild." She said, Levy and Juvia looked at her with expressions of happiness and gratitude. If Minerva was joining them it was almost a sure thing that the other Sabers would as well.

"I'm an Elemental too! I'll go as well!" Yukino piped up, she stood next to Minerva, "we'll show those Fairies they messed with the wrong guild!" She yelled.

Rogue took the place next to Yukino, "I'll come as well, if everyone else is going that is." He flashed a quick smile at Yukino.

"Then he's settled." Juvia smiled, "the group standing here will be part of the newest dark guild in Fiore!" She clapped, then noticed the awkward expressions and uncomfortable poses of the former Fairies who were there as well.

"I really hope you guys get your revenge, I really do." MiraJane smiled weakly, "but I'm not a mage fit for a dark guild. None of us are." She explained to them, the other former Fairies nodded in agreement. The Sabers understood though, some people just weren't meant for the life of a dark guild. But then Lucy noticed the expression on Hibiki's face.

"Hib..iki..?" Lucy asked, Hibiki refused to make eye contact with her or any of the other Sabers who planned on joining the dark guild, "Hibiki.." Lucy understood what his actions meant. But only truly accepted the fact when he said it himself. Hibiki scratches the back of his head and forced himself to make eye contact.

"Luce.. I'm not like you.." he put her hands in his, "I can't be a dark mage.. I'm apart of Blue Pegasus! I could never betray them like that... come with me Luce.. to Blue Pegasus!" His eyes pleaded for her to understand, Lucy looked down at the ground sadly, her eyes brimmed with tears as Hibiki tried to wipe them away but she pulled away from him. She took a few steps back before turning to him with a dark look on her face, one that said she would not rethink her choice of becoming a dark mage. Hibiki looked away in understanding.

"I do love you, Hibiki." Lucy said, as her voice cracked with emotion, "I always have. And I hope, me being a dark mage won't ruin our relationship." She looked up at him, and Hibiki sighed in relief. He honestly thought something much worse was going to happen, and was glad she was only concerned about their relationship.

Hibiki took her hand, "Nothing in this world will ever stop me from loving you. I'll visit whenever I can, will you do the same?" He asked her, Lucy looked at him with a small smile.

"Of course." She moves towards him and kissed Hibiki, a chorus of 'aww' filled the hallway. Turning Lucy's face crimson with embarrassment when they pulled apart. Lucy turned away from Hibiki but kept her hand in his, she faced the former Fairies who all had tears of sadness in their eyes.

"You don't have to become a dark guild," Lisanna cried softly, "you can get your revenge as a Saber! And stay with us!" She hoped they would take the offer, but Levy already had a counter statement.

"We would risk tarnishing Sabertooth's name if we stayed, we don't want to do that." Levy explained to her, Lisanna looked down at the ground in sadness, "come on guys, this isn't goodbye forever. Just until next time!" She smiled. Some of the Fairies smiled back but others were still frowning.

"We're gonna miss you.." Wendy sniffled, Erza went and hugged the small mage, "Please visit us! Please.. please.. please.." Wendy cried. Erza patted her back in reassurance.

"We'll send letters every month, make sure no one intercepts them." Juvia said seriously, "the letters might have important information." She pointed out, the Fairies nodded in understanding. The Elementals turned to those who had agreed in becoming dark mages.

"We leave in an hour. Pack only your essentials, leave no trace of where we are going." Lucy said sternly, the Sabers and exceeds nodded before each heading off to pack their things. Which left Levy, Lucy, Erza, and Juvia with only the former Fairies who remained.

"I suggest you all leave Sabertooth, maybe Fairy Tail will take you back?" Erza suggested, "Just leave Sabertooth." She told them, the Fairies understood and said their goodbyes to the Elementals, they tried not to show it but most of them were crying at the farewells, as the Elementals fought back their own tears as well.

The former Fairies left the inn, waving goodbye all until their silhouettes disappeared over the horizon. The Elementals turned away and went to pack their essentials themselves. After an hour everyone rendezvoused in the hallway, each carrying a small bag. Lyon had just arrived from his inn, while Hibiki and Lucy had finally said their final farewells and Hibiki had left to go back to his inn.

"Where should we go?" Rufus asked, "perhaps another continent entirely? How about Alakitasia?" He offered, the Elementals thought about it for a moment.

"We could go there and possibly get training under some very powerful mages. Maybe the Emperor would even make us part of his elite bodyguards." Sting said, "here we can be a dark guild, there we can be some of the highest ranking mages in the entire continent!" He said excitedly.

"If that's alright with everyone then, I say we go to the Alvarez Empire!" Levy announced, no one else could think of a better place to go so they agreed to go to Alakitasia.

"Erm.. how will we get there exactly?" Orga asked, the Elementals all looked at each other before smirking. The Sabers looked at them confused before Levy, Sting, and Pantherlily disappeared into the ground below them, Lucy, Minerva, and Happy disappeared into the air, Juvia and Lyon disappeared leaving behind a puddle of water, Erza, Rufus, and Orga disappeared in a giant flame, and Yukino and Rogue disappeared in a flurry of ice. They used their powers to create a gateway from Ishgar to Alakitasia.

And before they knew it, the former Sabers were in front of the Emperor himself.

The Sabers have left Ishgar! And hope to get stronger in the Alvarez Empire! Will their hopes come true or will their dreams be squashed?

Also make sure to check out my Naruto fanfic! Back To The Past!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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