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Tristin pov*

Okay to be fair I never thought I was going to die before I made 30, but who knows because right now I'm in a car 6 feet under!

Eastern Europe

"This is not good! I had a dream I was buried once." Jack said as he bang on the drivers side door.

" How'd it end?" Riley ask. I don't know if she was being rhetorical or not.

"I died, that's how it ended!" Jack exclaimed to us.

"We're not gonna die." Mac tried to calm them. Emphases on 'tried'.

"Yeah, that's what Jimmy Hoffa kept telling himself."

"Who?" Riley asked continuing to pound on the passenger window.


"Well, I'm sorry I don't know every one of your hillbilly cousins, Jack."

"Jimmy Hoffa was not a hillbilly cousin."

"Never mind."

"Never mind." Jack grunts trying to get out.

"How much longer we got, Mac?"

"About an hour, maybe more." I say for him.

"What?!?!" Riley and Jack say hitting on the windows harder.

"Hey! Hey, hey! We conserve oxygen." Mac tried to calm them again.

"If we exert ourselves, we have about 15 minutes, maybe less." I explain to them. "If that."

"Seriously?" Riley asks looking at me.


"I'll choose the longer option." Jack agrees calming down and slouching in his seat.

"Next time you say, "I know how to get away from 'em," let's all take a vote before you decide to drive us into a ditch." Riley told Jack off and I nod with that.

"They ran us off the road! You saw it. You were right there." Jack protested. "And second of all, next time we're fleeing some-some tin pot dictator with his computer thingy that controls his air defence system, I'll put our escape route to a quorum, all right? Is that fine with you?"

"You're not using the word "quorum" right."

"Help me out here, Mac."

"A quorum doesn't mean a vote, Jack; it means you have the right amount of people present to vote." Mac tells him.

"I stand by the spirit of my words. Anybody want to quorum our escape." Jack suggests.

"No time. You two, in back now. T, in the front with me." Mac tells us. I switch with Riley, he with Jack. "Air bags." He tells me making me understand whats happening, we start our work, when were down Mac crawls to the back and I crawl on to his lap.

"How'd you learn to do all this?" Riley asks us.

"This one I learned the hard way." Mac said.

"Long story." I said.

"Close your ears." Mac said as he connects all the wires and wraps his arm securely around me giving me butterflies. Then the explosion comes pushing us up. We all come rolling down the hill of sand gasping for air and coughing.

"Oh, Mac, I could kiss you right now, buddy." Jack said.

"Just knowing you want to do it is enough, thanks."

"Can we just go home now, please?" Riley said.


"Yeah." After that Mac wraps an arm around my shoulder and we walk to home sweet home.

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