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   The sound of pops, crackles with a bright red glow emitting from the fire filling the lounge, sitting beside it as reading one of my favorite books not that I'm a book nerd or anything but it does keep a 14 year old occupied for a bit. Especially something that soothes myself from when having to train mortal combat 24/7 for a whole week with three professional crime fighters that could literally kick my arse at anytime, and believe me that's stressful enough.

Living in an extremely large manor with four men can be difficult at times but there's always pros to that. My father Bruce Wayne also as Batman knowing to be a man of few words, may give off the cold shoulder but he means well not showing very much of his love or affection to me but deep down father loves me deeply as I share the same feeling for him too. And I respect him for what he's done, things he went through raising his daughter without a wife to be by his side since she didn't want anything with myself nor my father, handing me off to him at only a few months old. She named me before leaving my life forever, and that's Ophelia... Ophelia Martha Wayne, father of course had the opportunity to fill in the middle and last names.

A tiring sigh snaps me out of my reading noticing that I've been re-reading the same paragraph four times, 'Maybe it's time to take a break from reading also..' Closing the book looking up to see the sighing came from a sweaty Grayson, plopping himself down on the couch wiping the sweat from his forehead still dressed in his Nightwing suit.

  "Man.. for a couple of times back there I thought I was a goner."

  "Why? Was it a group of school girls ganging up on you again?" Snickers a smirking Jason walking in before sitting himself down wrapping his arm around my shoulders, letting me snuggle into his side.

    Not even about a full two months since Jason and I have been together, starting out as a silly crush from meeting the first time which he of course was a big pain in the arse but at the same time pretty sweet guy who made my crush develop into something more and he was on the same page.

    Confessing to each other was one thing but telling the others was a different story. Dick was in total shock that Jason actually likes someone and has a girlfriend especially since us two are practically opposites. Alfred well seemed to be taken back a bit then smiled and complemented but gave Jason a look that clearly gave the message 'to be careful or else you'll be messing with the wrath of Alfred Pennyworth' or something like that.

    Now with father started a very bad argument at the dining room table that night... after the end of it all he told me that he just was afraid, concerned that Jason would get up and leave me breaking my heart like what happened between my parents. Jason soon came to an understanding with father promising that will never happen... even though father still gets a bit bitter seeing us two so close but I can tell he's happy to see two broken people come together being the other missing half of each other.

    Dick shakes his head at Jason's sarcastic remark,

"Ha-ha very funny, Jaybird... it was nothing, I just so happened to interrupt the middle of a illegal drug and weaponry trading who work for Black Mask. And believe me they weren't that happy when I interrupted it, I got bruises that can prove it.. But in the end I kicked their butts, got them in jail and get to have a sweet reward~." He says with that infamous goofy grin of his and just as his fingers snapped in comes walking Alfred with a slice of cream cheese cake the top flooded with a chocolate sauce and last but not least a cherry on top,

   "Your favorite cake, Master Dick." Alfred says handing it to him while Dick himself grins thanking him before digging in.

    Jason rolls his eyes at the childish Nightwing.
"Anyways... um I've been wanting t-to tell you something.." He mumbles enough for me to hear turning my full attention to the raven haired boy,
"What is it that you want to tell me, Jay?" Questioning while his turquoise eyes widened, a rosy color laces his cheeks, looking away rubbing his neck nervously.
"So.. I want to um say that.. Well that I l..-" Before he could even blurt out what's been waiting to let out for so long,
"Jason! Hurry up and get changed, Joker and his clowns are up to something!" Father interrupts him, seeing that he's already dressed in his own suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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