Chapter 1: Untouched

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As I sat on the bench waiting for them to call on me I couldn't help but look at the clock 5:10pm I got in here at 4:50pm so I guess I don't have a right to be impatient.

Finally the doctor came out of his office and Said " Morgan Black."

That was me so I got up and tried to not look too anxious to get out of here. He brought me to his office and he asked me questions which I already had all the answers.

The doctor looked at me and Said " You know why your here right?"

I said in a put on embarrassed voice " yes I tried to commit suicide that was stupid that wouldn't solve any of my problems"

It was child's play to spoon feed these doctors what they wanted to hear. The doctor smiled I knew I had him then.

The doctor said " Well looks like you are perfectly fine now so just sign these papers and you will be released"

I nodded and signed them but not too quickly I had to keep up the act fr a little longer. When I got done he said I could leave and I did. My mom was waiting in her car outside the hospital I got in.

She asked me in a guarded tone " so your fine now"

I made myself look sad when I said " I'm sorry I caused you trouble yes I'm fine now"

She smile clearly relaxed and said " don't worry at all honey."

If I wasn't so dead inside I would be laughing at how easy it was to fool everyone. I made sure that every time she said something to me I said something back sometimes I would say something we went back and forth like that the whole ride home. When we got home my younger sister megan tackled me to the floor.

I put on a false smile and said " I missed you Meg"

Then I looked around taking in the familiar sights of my house like the small living room with fireplace at the far side across from the door were I was and the grey couches set diagonal from it on a fancy carpet the stairs were to my left leading to the bathroom and the bedrooms to my right was the kitchen slash dining room. I went up stairs and looked around it was a short hallway 3 doors to my right 1 door to my left and 1 door at the end of the hallway that was my moms room first door to my right as the bathroom me and my sister's room were across from each other mine was on the right so I stepped in my plain room there was no special flavor to it still isn't. There is a bookshelf to my right and a desk to my left and a bed right in front of me that is all there is to my room nothing special. I let myself just fall to the floor mentally worn out no energy at all. Megan walked in right then I jumped up and put back on my fake smile

She frowned and said " I knew you were acting as soon as you walked in so you can stop."

My smile disappeared and I sat down on my bed.

She looked and said " your going to try again aren't you and don't you dare lie to me because I will know"

I gave a resigned sigh and said " yes"

I hear her ask " when"

But I wasn't looking at her I was looking at the floor.

I didn't say anything then she said " Fine don't tell me I don't care"

And she stomped out of the room after that I went to sleep and I had nightmare after nightmare all night with no reprieve in sight. I woke up screaming my mom ran into the room

I put on my fake smile and said " Oh sorry I thought I saw a spider and it scared me"

I fake chuckled I looked at the clock it was almost time for me to wake up anyway so I started getting ready for school. When I was ready I went out to my escort that would be driving me to school and watching me all day I decided that it wouldn't be weird for me to ignore them I got in the car and it drove me the very short distance. When I got to school I expected a lot of people to question me I had answers planned out and everything but noone got near. People went out of their way to avoid me like taking the like taking the long way so the wouldn't run into me. It's most likely what happened that made me try to kill myself. What happened was when I was 10 years old I killed my step dad. One day when I got home from school he was there waiting for me drunk as always I tried to avoid him when he was like this but that day he was threatening my mom with a knife he was trying to cut her but my mom knocked the blade out of his hands it went on the floor by my feet with that he got even more mad and he started beating my mom. Something started growing inside me at the time I didn't know it was murderous rage I picked up the and called his name he turned and looked into my eyes and paled and sobered instantly I ran and ramed the blade into his chest when I came to it was too late he wa dead I was too young to be charged so after I tried to kill myself I was sent to a mental hospital where I was until recently. The last bell rang when she found Emily she had long red hair and she had been my best friend since childhood.

As soon as she saw me she said " is it really you"

Her eyes had started to tear up.

I sighed and said " yes it is"

She ran and hugged me I was surprised by how much she had missed me. I found myself equally surprised that I had missed her too. When she backed away she asked me what I hadn't wanted to be asked

She said " Where did you go"

I said " I went to a hospital for trying to kill myself"

She gasp and put her hands over her mouth I can tell this news upset her a lot. I'm surprised I don't say anything more till

She asks " why?"

I look her straight in the eyes and say " because I killed My step father"

She doesn't say anything at that and I turn around and leave. I don't even turn around when I hear her yelling my name I can't face her not right now. The day ends and I wake up from another nightmare I don't even scream I lay back down I didn't even want to face the day they all blend together in a never ending loop it's like being forced to watch the same movie over and over soon it's just tiring I lay there unable to get back to sleep then I look at the clock it's time t get ready for school again. A couple of weeks past I was relieved when school ended and summer came when you just want to die school does not make you feel any better it only made me want to do it sooner but I have to wait I need a plan or I'm going to be caught again. It was going to happen soon though the plan was almost ready. I was sitting on my bed thinking about what I would do and how I would do it

When Megan walked in said " you know I could just tell mom"

I looked her in the eyes and said " and all I have to say is no I wasn't I'm past that and she will believe me and you know it she doesn't want to face reality"

Megan knew I was right she turned and left and I went back to thinking I did that for a while then I looked at the time and went to bed.

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