Chapter 2: The Casket

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The nightmares weren't even scary anymore they just show my life now.

My mom came up to my room and said " Emily's here to see you"

I put on my excited mask the masks were all I had and I said " Oh ok cool I'll be right down"

I knew if would look bad if I turned her away. I hadn't talked to her since I talked to her that first day. It was hard to see her like that she's the only person that I can't lie to. I promised her I would never lie to her. When I got down Stairs I saw her and she looked better

As soon as she saw me emily said " we are going to the museum to hang out let's go"

With a big smile on her face.

I nodded I knew I would make her sad if I said no so I couldn't say it. It was always fun when we went there.

As soon as we left the house I said " I figured that you wanted nothing more to do with me"

She looked at me with a serious look on her face and emily said " if I abandoned you when you needed me I would never be able to forgive myself"

I didn't know she cared that much although when we were kids we were always helping each other out so I guess I should have saw this coming. We walked to the museum.

Emily looked at me and said " you know they are unveiling a new exhibit today it's very old"

That was actually interesting she knew I had always been interested in old stuff like that. When we got there we paid to get in and I looked around their was almost nobody here I guess old stuff just isn't cool anymore. The tour guide walked us around the museum telling us about each exhibit.

When we got to the casket he said " this is our newest piece we got this from the ruins of an old village and legend says was a village of demon hunters apparently they killed demons but there was one demon they couldn't kill so they sealed him in this very casket that they carved out of a black stone and if you touch it you will see that it's hot like a demon is actually sealed in it"

I reached out and touched the casket it was very hot it seemed to get hotter right were I was touching I tried to pull my hand away but it was stuck I started to panic.

I said " my hand is stuck help it's hot"

At first the guide thought I was messing around

But emily who looked scared said " I don't think he's joking"

It was then that he started to take me serious and and started to pull me by then the heat was unbearable the pain was tremendous all of sudden it was all black. I looked around and I could see nothing.

I heard a deep dark voice that rumbled through me and said " you have blood on your hands and nothing in your heart plenty of room for me"

I didn't know what to say so I said " what do you mean"

The voice said " I am trapped and now so are you help me get free and I will release you"

I looked around but saw only pitch black nothing and I said " where am I? Who are you?"

The voice laughed and said " you are in your heart empty isn't it as for who I am the better question would be what am I"

So I said " what are you"

The voice said " I am fear I am death my name is abaddon and I am a demon so let me in and I will release you."

He was a demon and he was holding me hostage I still felt the pain my entire body now felt like it was on fire I just wanted the pain to end.

I said " fine come in just stop the fire"

It was then that I felt it a cold entered me and I saw him appear.

Abaddon looked at me and said " because you freed me I will do you the favor of ending your life quike. Great calamity is in store for this world"

I realized what the cold was right then it was me dying I felt him leave me the cold became all there was I was relieved it was almost over. I saw something in the distance a small light I was drawn towards it I walked and the closer I got the more the cold stared leaving my body. When I got to the fire suddenly I was on fire wait I realized after a short panic that I wasn't on fire I was fire the cold left me and I felt strength return to my body. I woke up on floor of the museum.

Emily who had obviously been crying said " Thank god your back they said you were dead I told them you can't be dead"

She looked so relieved but also kind of pale.

I looked at her kind of concerned and I said " are you okay"

Emily shook her head and said " I think I'm coming down with something."

I didn't feel right either that dream felt so real so vivid. I was brought to the hospital just to check out why I died or almost died I still didn't know yet they weren't telling me anything. Emily went home before they took me but not before she called my parents so she could tell them what happened. I know she meant well but now I was going to have to deal with an overprotective mom freaking out over her suicidal son they may or may not have had a near death experience. I sighed and dreaded what was to come but she never came instead it was my younger sister megan.

Megan walked into the room and said " seriously trying to commit suicide at a museum."

I looked at her with a very serious look on my face and said " This was not a suicide attempt I would never to that at any public place let alone with an audience."

I knew she didn't believe me I didn't care anyway she can think what she wants. I was tired the whole experience had drained me. I didn't like hospitals they make me uncomfortable. After they had finished wasting all of my time me and megan went home. My mom bombarded me with questions when I got home I told her the truth I left out the part about the crazy dream I didn't want her to think I was losing my mind. I went to bed after that no dreams it was a quite empty sleep. The next day I went over to emily's house I was worried she didn't look good when she left the museum as soon as I got to her house

Her mother opened the door and said " oh morgan it's you are you here to see emily"

I nodded and said " yes I am is she alright."

She shook her head and said " she's really sick right now"

She led me to emily's room and she knocked on the door I heard muttering coming from the room it sounded like another language she sounded like she was in pain. Her mother went in to check on her.

When she came back out she said " your going to have to come back later she's not feeling well at the moment"

I nodded she didn't sound well she sounded like she was being ripped apart from the inside out. I left and went back home I had a bad feeling but I ignored it.

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