New AU!

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Heya! Jill here, I just want to tell all of you some good news! I've really only been using AUs that aren't exactly explained or are just random, but now I have the perfect AU and I will go in depth and fully explain everything about it.

This AU, is a gods AU. Now I know what you're thinking, is this Greek gods or something? No. This AU isn't based on any religion or anything like that, this AU is the trio we all know and love, but as gods.

Some things I describe them being the gods of may remind you of Dionysus or some other god, but I will tell right now that what the trio are gods of are completely based on their personalities and bits from the show.

Now let's get started and explain things, shall we?


Now, our trio of gods were once mortal, but they never knew each other in their mortal lives. Though they were young, they died tragic deaths. Now you see, they were chosen to be gods, their dying actions as well as how they were in the mortal life is what made them worthy to be gods in the first place. They don't know who or what chose them, but the trio were all kind of heart people when they were alive, not just like anybody else.

Since they are gods, they can walk on water. They can also will people to be able to see them, in other words, they can choose to make themselves visible to people or not at anytime. Their personalities are also what their abilities are based on. I'm gonna start describing each character now so you can understand them individually.


Trevor Belmont

Born - 1456
Age of death - 20
The god of - Wine (alcohol), warriors, courage, mischief (trickery), the day, and battle.
Abilities -
When it comes to war, if Trevor is on your side, then you have the highest chance of winning.
He can grant weapons to be more durable or stronger (even adding a bit of magic in there sometimes).
Mischief could literally be his middle name at this point. He plays tricks on ANYONE. Sometimes he does it as punishment, and other times it's for his own amusement.
Since he is god of day, he is its guardian, making sure not a single soul is ever tormented within his domain.
Depictions -
• Trevor is often depicted wearing a battle tunic consisting of red, beige, brown, and white, lined with gold. (it's not the outfit from the show, think of it as a more elegant version but better.)
He's always wearing a flower crown. Always.
He's shown with a vertical scar on his left eye.
In paintings, he has a clever smile on his face and is always shown holding the Morning Star proudly.
Origins - Trevor Belmont is still part of a family of demon hunters in this AU, but his family knows nothing of Dracula or anything like that. Trevor was a very energetic and rowdy young man, but he was still a good person at heart. Sure, he would get into a few bar fights, but everyone he knew were always happy with him around. Trevor wielded the Morning Star, his family's most powerful weapon. Him and his family fought to protect Wallachia, putting their lives on the line.

One night though, Trevor was cornered away from his parents and forced to fight alone. He was cornered by one particularly powerful demon that threatened to kill everyone in sight. Though Trevor was clearly outmatched, he knew what he had to do, what it was his duty to do. His parents didn't know where he was so they had no idea Trevor would have to face this monster alone. The brunette made every movement count, using his skill and clever tactics to kill this demon. The hell beast was strong though, and at one point, Trevor had been slashed at his side, making him bleed quickly.

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