She Asked...What?

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This is a lemon warning! If you do not wish to have impure thoughts, I highly recommend that you do not read this part! Just saying. You've been warned.

Having the rest of the week off from work would be a little boring for Levi. The only thing he really had to do was clean his place. It wasn't that he was messy, but rather could not stand dust. He looked around to see problem areas and began taking mental notes on what cleaning supplies he would need as his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Sighing heavily, Levi reached for the phone in his pocket with irritation building for being interrupted. 'Can't people leave me the fuck alone when I'm trying to clean?' Levi thought before he looked at the screen on his phone. His ire, however, completely dissipated when he saw Y/N's picture smiling at him.

"Hello baby!" Levi said and immediately cringed at how overly excited he sounded. Calming down a bit he said, "To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice?"

"Well, uhm, I had a thought after I got home from lunch, and I wanted to run it past you to see what you think," she said. Levi could instantly hear the nervousness in her voice.

"So, what was your thought?"

"Ok, so I was thinking that, uhm, since you have the rest of the week of, uh, you could, I mean if you want to, and I'm not saying you have to because that would be seriously fucked up, but you could if you wanted to, and I'd be happy about it because it would mean so much..."

Levi had his hand on his forehead with a smile gracing his lips. Listening to Y/N fumbling and rambling though a sentence was adorable, but he had to know what she was trying to say.

"Honey? What are you trying to say?" he asked on a chuckle.

"Well, ahem, I was wondering if you'd like to stay here with me for the week? You don't have to if you don't want to, but I figure you're off and I don't have any work to do, so you and I could just veg out together."

The suggestion Y/N made was unexpected since the two of them had only gone on dates or shared chaste kisses or simply snuggled together while holding hands. They had never even been remotely intimate physically aside from their first meeting. Levi really wanted more but didn't want to push Y/N into something she might not be ready for.

"See? I knew this was a mistake," he heard before the phone call ended.

"Wait!" Levi shouted at dead air. He must have been so deep in thought that he didn't hear Y/N talking to him. He decided that rather than call her back, he would pack a few clothes, his toiletries and just head on over. But first...

*ringing* *click* "Hello?"

"Hey, Hanji? I need to ask you a few questions about Y/N."

"Sure thing, Shorty. What do you want to know?"

Y/N sat at the table with her pint of Ben & Jerry's Half-Baked ice cream. (If you haven't tried it, you are SO missing out!) Staring straight ahead, she regretted ever calling Levi about her proposal. How could she have been so stupid! "Of course, he wouldn't want to stay here. He's been going out of his way to only kiss my cheeks... well, except for that one in the restaurant. That one was kind of hot." Before she could think on it further, there was a knock at the door.

Y/N stopped her progression to the door only long enough to put her ice cream away. When she opened the door, Levi barged in carrying a few bags. There was a travel case on wheels, but that was nearly buried by shopping bags.

"Ok, I know I might have gone overboard, but I think I did pretty well here."

Levi looked up at Y/N and recognized surprise and disbelief on her face but continued. "I bought junk food galore, a couple of surprises that I'll give you in a while, but first I would very much like it if you'd help me get all this stuff into the viewing room, so I can get to the bathroom and change into something more comfortable."

Levi x Chubby! Reader (AU) The Destruction and the RestorationWhere stories live. Discover now