Family meeting /tour

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So we wake up and everybody was dressed beside us so we hurry up and get dressed . And Melly said I think it's time for all of y'all to meet mama dukes .
We all needed to make sure we look appropriate but then I forgot Melly mom is young but steal. So we go get to her house which is across from mines. So all of
Us walk and the boys yelled hey mama to to Mrs Jamie which is Melly mom . She came in the living room and ask who we were and they introduced us one by on. Then there grandma came out .
Fun fact about granny: she took a charge  for Melly
Anyways she came in the room being loud talking bout who these girls in her while
she smoking laughing . Aye grandma this my girl airi he said . She said how you doing Mrs. airi
I said good and you . Then after all of was introduced . Melly introduce me to his little brother that look just like him . Then he showed me his room from when he was little and there was picture of him and all of them had big ole  head 😂 . But I didn't say anything about it . So we go down stairs and Mrs. Jamie  cooked for Everybody and we all sat down and talked and the tour he asked me to come On come up In the  conversation so then I asked the girls if they wanted to go and they said they already new about it and they been said yeah . The tour is in 2 days we need to go home and pack up tomorrow . So Mrs Jamie asked me how old I was and I say I turned 18 last week . She said what day Is your birthday I said May 1 . And she smiled and said y'all to have the same birthday . So it's about time for us to go so we say our good bye and We left  remind you it's night time so it's no more airi and Melly it's Ariana and Melvin little do everybody no .  So we go back to the hotel and  the same girl from last night was there and she had another girl with her . So my eyes turned black and gave her the death stare of her life . She said you caught me off guard last night but I got my bestfriend now. So they  ran up and I punch one and Nique got the other one so we just beating  them up they just getting tossed around and they boys pull all 5 of us off of them and Carmen stuck one again and blooded her nose . And the boys  pushed all of  us back into the room and locked it until the girls left .

the girl that got beat up ^^

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the girl that got beat up ^^

Then they came in and saw us looking out of the window watch them girls leave . So then I get a text from my mom💓
💕: It said some Girls were looking for me and they asked were you at .
Airi : ooh I found them already.
But she don't no they we were fighting so my eyes finally go back to brown and then . All of us calmed down we were playing with our hair and the boys were playing 2k all night . So we stared playing music we did a lot of drinking this weak so we not drinking tonight. So we went back to our hotel tonight cause we have to go home and pack  in the morning. So we can be ready to leave and have everything .
So it's the next day so we get up to go pack up . But I've been noticing that all of been feeling bad lately . And we all been throwing up so we just think it's a virus . So we don't think to much off it . So we spent the whole day packing and finding shoes and heels to match our outfits . Then we needed to run to the mall and get a couple things so we go to the mall and get some matching  sweat pants and shirt . So we go home and it's late and
We still don't feel good and tomorrow and is
The tour so . So we tell the boys that we don't feel good and they just playing around and laughing talking bout y'all probably pregnant and hung up the phone . Then we all stared thing and was like we all might be pregnant y'all so we all took pregnancy test and it turns out we all are pregnant . So we all call the boys and told them and they said they coming over so they come and they not Laugh no more.  So they asked if we still wanted to go on tour we said yeah so they leave and we go to sleep early because we need to be up by 10:00 am so it's 9:00 pm right now so we all fell asleep . So it's Time to get up  so we getting ready or whatever and the all of us
Met up at the parking lot . So we all got all our suitcases packed and we get on the tour bus so we all just playing around and chilling for a while .And we was enjoying ourself and then we been riding all day and we finally get to the first consort which is inChicago,Illinois.And you already no they ratchet so we got to stay ready and we on the westside.  So Melly took us to his changing room and showed us what he was wearing so it's already 7:45 and the show start at 8:00 so he getting all the little stuff done that he needed . So we start watching him perform from behind stage and the guys hooping  around stage and playing then they called us out on stage and we were shook! Cause we didn't no he was gonna do it so we all went on stage and started singing and dancing to virtual (blue balenciages)
And we laughing and taking pictures . So the shows over and we go behind stage and was so geeked . Then some girls were behind stage and they were looking Nique up and down .
Nique: whatcha looking at
Random girls : nothing much
So Nique stared to reach for one and cut her with her nails cause we pulled her back because she must of forgot she pregnant. And we don't need to be fighting here anyway. So we go and we're back on the road
Until tomorrow .

A picture of melly's mother is up top .

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