Road madness / studio

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So we have been riding since last night and we have to go to Charlotte NC so that a whole day ride so . We all woke up and Nun of us felt so good so we all throwing up again and can't eat nothing . So we all just laying around so Melly goes live on instagram talking bout how he gonna be in Charlotte tomorrow night and they saw the girls in the back and asked who they were . So Melly introduces everybody one by one and tells them who they go with when he got to me all of the people were shook and they were saying how Melly and me looked alike but I didn't see it so I didn't think to much of it . So he get of live and ask everybody do me and airi look alike and they all said yeah . But we said whatever . And we made a pit stop to get out and go to the store and as we got out there was a big crowd of people coming this way and we start to run back to the bus cause they were following Melly so we just keep going to Charlotte and didn't stop no we're else . So we finally make it there and we all go behind stage and the show start and Charlotte gets really lit they were turnt forreal. But then when virtual blue balenciugas come on its goes down hill . People stared shooting and Th concert got ended and we had to leave so we pack up and go . And no we supposed to be going back to Florida so we finally make it back . And
We all tired so we all go to sleep for the rest of the night . And I wake up to the boys hollering into the phone . They talking bout
"Keep that same energy jit because if we pull up in all black you no what happens after that". So all the girls was looking at Melly like he was crazy but he won't Melly he was Melvin so me and him go outside and start talking I asked what was that back there and he said them boyz from down the block . So he finally calm down and we go back Inside and we go to sleep . So I get up early and I see everybody gone beside s me and Melly . So I get up and do my hygiene and I'm listing to Murder on my mind and I'm singing it . So I didn't no Melly woke up and he cane in the bathroom . He Was talking about how I could sing and he said I should put you
On the track but I was not taking him seriously. Then he said hurry up and finish getting dressed and I'm like were we going he said to the studio . I said ok and we go to the studio and the beat he had was good so he start rapping or whatever and he told me sing and I said no cause I'm scared . So he do what he need to do and we leave . So when we got back Everybody was back and we asked where they been and they said to the movies.
Why y'all didn't ask us if we wanted to go. Laii : because y'all were sleep and we didn't want to wake y'all up . So it's still early y'all trying to go to the club down the road everybody said yea . So we turn the music on so we start getting dressed and act up by city girls Came on and we was turnt and the boys was looking at us
Bortlen: said y'all better calm Down before we get kicked out the hotel so we calm down . So we finally dressed and we Finally make it to the club and we get in and go in . So rolling loud came on by Melly and we all stared sing and the people in the club saw Melly and want him to sing it so they made a circle in the club and stared sing but then this boys came up to them and pushed Melly and all hell break loose . So then they were all fighting and the security kicked us out so we left and we went to the house and we order pizza and wings . So the food get her and we pay so we all just chilling and then there a knock at the door it's Mrs. Jamie  she comes in and it's late so we trying to figure out why she here and she said because Melly
Brother want led to come here so he stayed with us that night and we all went to sleep so it's time for us to get up . So we all stared getting dressed we can go to the mall and get these new pairs of sneakers that came out so we all were Going to get them . So we go the the mall and people saw Melly of course so the security had to help us get to the store and we get the shoes.

So we all go home and Melly brother go home and we all just chill at the house for the rest of the day .

Ive been to lazy to right lately but I'm about to be on  it starting tomorrow byeeee 🤘🏾

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