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Chapter 2

"So where does he go to school again?" Eden asked Happy playing with the buttons.

It was her first day, and it already felt like they had been driving for four years.

"Midtown School of Science and Technology, in Queens," he said as she groaned.

"And how far away are we now?"

"Twenty minutes without the traffic," he said looking in his mirror at her.

"You're going to like it there," he said softly as she adjusted herself in her seat.

"What if I don't make any friends?" She asked as he scoffed.

"As bright as you are? I don't see that happening, plus you have Peter," he said as she sat back and looked out the window. It wasn't long till they reached the school.

Tony had decided to not change her name because it was his daughter. So what if he had one?

"Oh! You may want this," Happy said passing a bag full of books back to her.

"What is this?" She groaned.

"Your books," he said, "and school supplies."

"I bought all my books online, it's easier and more efficient-"

"Not here," He said passing back the books.

She groaned and took the bag.

"This is like forty pounds!" She said hoisting it beside her.

"Then you should be able to carry two of them," he said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you going to bring me from home to school every morning?" She asked as he nodded.

"Personal chauffeur as you attend this school."

She straitened her pants and relaxed as she waited for the car to stop. She opened the door to see students walking around the building. She smiled and got out of the car, taking her bag with her.

"Peter should meet you at the principals office, they may ask you about your father, only tell them your father was busy saving the world and Mr. Parker, who works for an internship will show you your classes and-"

"Internship?" She laughed, "people believe that?"

"Surprisingly yes," it was Peter. She jumped and looked to her.

"You look— nice," he said as she lifted a brow.

"You don't look so bad yourself Peter Pan," she said as he groaned. She smiled at him gleefully.

"I will see you right after school," Happy said handing her a brown paper bag, "this is your lunch."

"Thanks," She said with disgust grabbing the bag and walking with Peter.

He walked her to the principals office. As she caught the eye of many students.

She sighed and looked to Peter.

"A-Are we almost there?" She laughed as Peter noticed the stairs.

"Don't pay them any mind," he said softly, "they're just teenagers."

"Y-Yeah, kind of intimidating," she sighed, "I-I'm sorry."

"No no no," he said walking in front of her. He stopped her and smiled, "You have nothing to be sorry about."

Eden nodded as Peter coughed. She pushed past Peter.

"Would you like me to carry your bag " he asked. As she shrugged.

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