Kiribaku: Imtimacy

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"Katsukiiiii..." Eijirou mumbled, wrapping his arms around Bakugou tightly. The two had been laying there for what felt like hours, more than three hours to the least. Too endeared with each other to get out on their weekends. And Bakugou was sure that their idiot group of friends were wondering where the two had been all morning.

Bakugou hum in reply, his eyes slowly shifting up to Kirishima's. Kirishima pout, an ugly one, but to Bakugou it was adorable.

"Katsuki..." he repeated, kicking the covers off himself and Bakugou, then made his way on top. He laced their legs together, resting his head on Bakugou's chest. Small whimpers escaping his lips.

"Am I not giving you enough damn attention?" Bakugou huffed, running his fingers through the freshly dyed locks of hair.

Kirishima shook his head, mumbling inaudible words. The blonde male only chuckle at his boyfriend, pulling him up closer and kissing his forehead. "We've been in bed all day..." he said softly, "shouldn't we do something else?"

"Mmh.. are you bored?" Kirishima sighed, sitting up slightly to lock eyes with the crimson red ones of his boyfriend. "Sorry.."

"No, I'm not bored. Just...getting tired of laying down."

"Well, usually when people are tired they lay down-"

Bakugou groaned before letting Kirishima finish his sentence. He just lay in their position, staring up at the ceiling. The room was dim, only the sunlight peeking through the blinds and shimmering against the bed sheets show.

The red head stare blankly at his lover. Paying attention to every detail of his face, wanting to kiss him over and over again. They weren't in public after all, so Bakugou wouldn't get too mad. But that's only what they've been doing. Kissing and snuggling, reminding each other that they love one another in the most affectionate way, without words. They even talk about their feelings, or whatever upsets them. All morning they've been tangled in the sheets together, and that's what they had planned to do for the rest of the day. Well— that's what Kirishima had planned to do.

Barefoot, loosely clothed, and drowsy boys cuddled up against each other. Waking up to see the love of your life so peacefully asleep next to you, dreaming things you wish you knew. And hope you're apart of. Then seeing the partner slowly awaken, smiling at you. Kirishima... loved the weekend feelings that he had. Every Sunday or so, he'd get this beautiful morning, which usually lasted until afternoon.

Eijirou sighed, letting his heavy eyelids fall. He didn't know what to say really, all he wanted was actions. Soft and gentle ones. Slowly and carefully. Cause at times, Bakugou could be a little rough with his affection. But all is forgiven, it's just harder for his hot headed boyfriend. Especially in public. The best Kirishima can get out of him is a quick peck on the cheek, or finger holding. But in here, where no one else mattered. It was their cuddle time. All the affection Kirishima could ask for. Well, all except for intimacy. A subject that he wouldn't dare bring up to Katsuki. What if he scared the male away from himself, and lose all the affection he gets when they have their free time. He didn't want to risk that... and all the touchy stuff isn't that important to the two anyway.

Kirishima just sigh, laying there in the comfortable silence. Not really waiting or hoping for anything, so he just lay there. Feeling the relaxing and calming fingers stroke through his hair.

After a while, the blonde spoke up, clearing his throat. "Ei..." he managed to get out.

Eijirou look up in response, letting out a soft hum to let Katsuki know he was listening. Bakugou took a deep breath before continuing, "I love you..."

Kirishima felt his cheeks heat up. That butterfly feeling he used to get while just being around Bakugou coming back again. It wasn't often that his partner said it. So whenever he did, it was— in a way, stress relieving. It made his day brighter, like he had just gotten thousands of compliments. Motivational even. Whatever the feeling was, he had to cherish it. And just pray there wouldn't be a moment he'd make Katsuki regret saying it.

"I love you too!" He said quickly, only realizing that he had been so lost in his thoughts, he didn't say it back. Kirishima sit up on his forearms, placing a sweet kiss on Bakugou's cheek. "But I think you already know that..." he mumbled after.

Bakugou nod his head, wrapping his arms around Kirishima's shoulders and pulling him closer. "Yeah..."

"You okay..?" He asked softly, nuzzling into the crook of Bakugou's neck. He felt the other nod slowly, before sighing and shuffling around a bit. Kirishima knew Katsuki enough to know their was a question that linger in his mind. He assumed he pondered on asking or not, cause he hated to embarrass himself when they're toothed. Kirishima finds it cute though, Bakugou in general is cute. "What is it..?" He asked softly, trying to convince or more— motivate Bakugou to ask. "What's wrong?"

Bakugou let out a long sigh, looking away. His scowl slowly form on his face again as he let the question out, pausing every few seconds to rephrase is. "Well, I don't... we haven't really, fuck." He groaned. "Why don't you fucking...touch me and shit..." he mumbled under his breath, knowing his cheeks were somewhat of a dark red.

Kirishima quirk a brow. "Touch you..? I do touch you?"

"No! You fucking— nevermind." Bakugou let out a huff, obviously embarrassed when he was trying his hardest not to be.

"No, no... 'Suki..." Kirishima say up slightly, placing a kiss on Bakugou's forehead to comfort him. "Just... I'm a little dumb— tell me what you mean..?"

Bakugou groaned again, taking a brief second to process what he needed to say. "Just— you know. Fucking... sexual touching and shit.."

"Katsuki?" He hum, looking away as if avoiding the embarrassment topic. "What brings this to your mind— all of a sudden..?" Kirishima wait for his reply, feeling anxious and nervous about his answer. He never thought Katsuki would think or even consider something like this? This is new.

Bakugou leaned in, wrapping his arms around Kirishima's shoulders and shifting slightly so they lay beside each other. He let out a slight, whine, letting his eyebrows furrow. His nose wrinkles setting into place. "I don't...well. Someone asked me about it... and of course I blasted their fucking face off because fuck them and their life."

"It was Denki, wasn't it?" Kirishima huff, letting out a small chuckle the more he thought about it. It seemed like he'd be the one to bring up such a conversation.

"Yeah, it was..." Bakugou groaned again, just deciding to drop the conversation before he made anything else awkward. Or worse, embarrass himself. "I'm fucking taking a nap."


"I said I'm taking a damn nap!" And with that, the male turned away from Kirishima. His back facing him and his breathing trying to steady. The red head really couldn't and didn't want to force Bakugou to talk about it. But it was something that lay on his mind as well. And he didn't want Bakugou to just turn away, all mad and frustrated with himself and the situation. So he tried again, just, in a more appropriate way.

"Hey, 'Suki.." he started, trying to wrap his mind around what he wanted to say. And how to say it correctly. "It's okay to talk about these things with me. I'm not trying to judge you, or reject you. Just... turn around and we can discuss it. The comfortable part of it..."

The red head held his breath, slowly rolling a hand around Bakugou's back. Seeing Bakugou shift a bit, turning back over to face him made his heart flutter a bit. His blast had opened up enough to talk about something like this, and that made Kirishima happy.

Very happy.

But where would they begin? He didn't want to make it awkward and just blurt out whatever.

The blonde decided to start with a sigh, locking eyes with Eijirou. He cleared his throat, pondering one what to say. "So..."

//Should I continue this?? I don't want to put so much work into writing smut for no one to read, so if y'all like this chapter I'll make a part two :p

Word count: 1415

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