Trip to Mt.Fuji Part 2

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P: narrator
"": Thinking
(): Movements or Emotion

Last time on Dragon ball Z..... Just joking... Time to Continue where i left it

P: The two had arrive at tokyo before Exiting train Takagi talks Nishikata.

T: Hey Nishikata i have one favor to ask you.

N: Okay what is it Takagi-san?

T: Since we are a couple now and this is our first date i want you to drop the san in my name.

N: (blush) B-but... I'm still embarrassed about it..

T:Come on Nishikata don't be embarrassed you can do it you even have a courage to ask me out to have trip right?

N: Alright Takagi-s-- i mean Takagi..

T: Since we just arrive let took a bus first to Akihabara then ride a bus to Mt.Fuji.

N:"Akihabara? I always want to go there." Alright let's go Takagi.

T: Hmm you sound excited Nishikata when you heard we gonna have a stop first in Akihabara.

N: No I'm not excited at Akihabara I'm more excited going to Mt.Fuji.(Lying)

P: As the two board the Bus to Akihabara. When they got there Nishikata became more excited as they Exit the bus.

 When they got there Nishikata became more excited as they Exit the bus

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N: (exited)Woah... i can't believe it we're in Akihabara Takagi.. look the Manga store they got a full set of volumes of 200% unrequited love i haven't bought any of it yet because of being busy on junior college. Woah!! Look takagi there's super potato!.

T: Super potato what that Nishikata i haven't heard of it?

N: Oh super potato Retro gaming shop Takagi they have all sorts of Retro consoles and retro games there and They have arcade there.

P: Seeing Nishikata being Exited Takagi just smiled hold on his arm and said.

T: Nishikata i know your Being exited here at Akihabara please don't forget why were here at tokyo.

N: Oh yeah we're here so we can go in Mt. Fuji sorry Takagi i just.. got Carried away.

T: (Laugh) hahaha Don't worry Nishikata we can Still play at the Arcade if want.

N: Really!? Thanks Takagi.

T: No prob now let's go at the arcade.

N: Yes let's go

N: Yes let's go

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Karakai jouzu no Takagi-san One-shot fanficWhere stories live. Discover now