The Bully

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Baby Lyca Soliman Hayes

   --> compassionate, positive and happy soul

   --> has fantasies of happy ever after

   --> fights for what she think is right

   --> frustrated singer and guitar player

Billy Hayes

   --> Retired American Soldier

   --> Widower, wife and only daughter killed in a car accident while he was driving drunk

   --> fond of kids

   --> kind and loving who love's to tell stories of any kind

   --> thinking of getting a second job as a pre school teacher

Lilia Soliman Hayes

   --> mother of Baby Lyca

   --> love being pampered

   --> loves her daughter so much and always spends time with her 

   --> never forgets to sing her daughter lullabies when going to sleep

   --> loving, kind and seeks beauty in every bad situation which her daughter adapts

Sebastian Andrada

   --> the bully

   --> likes to have fun whenever there's a chance

   --> caring to those people who is close to his heart

   --> doesn't want to see someone crying

   --> misses his mom, never experience how to be taken cared of as her mother is always busy and so is his father who seldom goes home.

   -->does not know what love and how it is expressed

  -- > and a great cook

Celeste Andrada

  -- > mother of Sebastian Andrada

  -- > too much in love with her husband, to a point of forgetting everyone arround her, including her only son.

 -- >goal orriented, career driven, loves to be in control but is week in love

 -- > loves her son but loves her husband more

David Andrada

 -- > father of Sebastian

 -- > big bastard who does not settle for one woman, even if he's married, he never stops going out with girls like he use to when he was still single.

 -- > love's his son but not enough to stay

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