Chapter 1

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"I'm going Mom!" Sebastian yelled as he was at the door going to school, he was wearing torn out jeans in its knees, Tretorn torn out shoes and plain white T-shirt inside his school uniform polo shirt. He jump in his friends car and drove off to school. This was his usual routine, going to school late because he needs to prepare his mother's break fast before leaving  as well as her warm water for bath.

After his Dad left, his mother was not in good shape, they get by the day because of some generous neighbors who give them food and some cash if Sebastian works for them, like clean their garage or cut their plant to shape, or watch over their kids while they are away for some hours, in short, Sebastian became the man in the house. Sometimes, his grandmother visits and give them cash for food, its a good thing they're not renting the place, his father made sure to pay the house mortgage until its paid, under her mother's name, Sebastian thought, "must be his way of sorting things out" but he still thinks that its not enough, a father should't leave his family for another woman he thought, he does not understand why there are families that are broken, why there are cheating husbands and wife that accepts and would choose to agonize for the sake of what. After some time, his Mom recovered and he was happy but she got too busy, she rarely has time for him, she engrossed herself  at work, too busy to cook meal for her only son, she arrives home late and does not even bother to check his room if he's home or has he eaten anything yet.

He thought he was the cause of the separation as he was not doing well in school and his father graduated with flying colors and his mom is consultant which is not easy to handle, and here he was, likes to play the guitar during pass time and doesn't like to go to school,as teachers would always compare him to his father who graduated from that school and brought honor to it. 

Sebastian was thinking too much, anything goes in his mind, trying to be okay even though he's not, he still feels the pain of being left out, he felt unwanted, his father left and his mom rarely speaks to him.

They finally they arrive at the University  which he does not want to go to anymore but his mom wanted him to stay. He wanted to transfer school until one school day, he saw Baby, he calls her Baby not because its her name actually but he thinks the name is so corny and that her parents never even took the time in thinking what to name her. And he finds it hilarious, "such a baby" he thought. But that day, Baby was different, she looks something he can't understand, and he felt sudden short of breath as Baby was approaching to the door of the the canteen where he was eating lunch, lunch that wasn't his but of the person sitting next to him whom all he could do is watch Sebastian eating his lunch, he noticed that Sebastian was dumbfounded by the sight of Baby approaching the canteen and he thought with a devilish smile on his face, "its payback time", he called Baby and Baby immediately turn his head to the person calling and at the sight of the table, Baby frowned, "not again Sebastian!" she exclaimed, she knows that Sebastian is bully and she is the only person that can answer him back without getting hurt, and there is a reason for that.

"What!?", Sebastian exclaimed back, "I wasn't doing anything, I was just eating lunch!", defending himself and making a sharp look at the one who owns food.

"You know that's not your lunch, pay him back!" Lyca commanded, "pay him back, or else, I will report you to the principal!" she was now threatening him, shes giving him  straight chin up look that suddenly Sebastian could stare longer, Lica saw that in Sebastian's eyes but she shoved the idea.a

"Okay!" he said while inserting his right hands in his pocket to get some cash and paid the poor student for his lunch, after giving the money, the guy ran off, too afraid to stay at the canteen to eat lunch.

"Thank you!, I didn't thought that you will do as I say, that's new.." Lyca said in surprise and slowly walk away.

"I will not let you get you away with this, I promise you that" Sebastian thought, he felt humiliated when every body in the canteen cheered and he heard someone shout, "only a girl can pin you down".

After school, Sebastian waited until he saw what he was waiting for, "there you are, my baby" he uttered looking at Lyca walking out of school waiving good bye to her friends.

"Bye..! See you Monday!" Lyca bid and started walking home, she always walks from school to home and vice veer's, she noticed Sebastian sitting in the waiting shed, she silently glanced the bully, "something changed in him today" she thought, he did not hesitated to pay back that poor guy, and did not even said anything, he seems to look different now, his shoulders are broader and his hair is cut clean revealing his pointed nose, "he seems to be a cute guy", she thought, "wait.. what?, did I just thought of that?"  she shrugged and started walking, ignoring what she thought awhile ago.

He followed Lyca until she reached a tall blue gate and rung the bell, then the small door gate opened by a tall American and hugged her as she entered, "So, this is where you live", he uttered with evil smile in his face, "I can't wait to do the plans I have, just for you".

"How come your father is white and your not" he thought, " and your using that white man's last name, you must be adopted", "I think I know where to start", he finally have his last look and then left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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