the mission pt 2

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On the train, heading to god knows were, i am bored. Freed is reading, Evergreen is doing her nails, Bixlow is playing around with his 'Babies' and Laxus is sleeping.... i think. He is slumped down on the seat with Freed across from him, his feet sitting neatly next to Freeds legs, Bixlow beside Freed while Evergreen Laxus and i are crammed into the other seat.

The fumes from Evers nail varnish are giving me a headache, and making my eyes burn a little, with a sigh i shimmy out of my cramped spot,

"Oi, were are you going Blondie?" Laxus grunted when i finally managed to get out from between the two mages


"Dont be long, we are almost at our stop"

"Let the girl go and use the bathroom you broot" Evergreen slapped Laxus playfully while the other two men just looked quickly at me and then returned to what they were doing before.

"Whatever" he grumbled "i mean it we are almost at our stop"

"Sure, i will be right back" i half whisper, "by the way, you look a little green"

"Shut up"

"Ha she's right man, your looking a little like Freeds hair" Bixlow laughed

"I said shut up" he grones and i slip away as Bixlow let a manical laugh go

Gee these people are a little mental, nothing like team Natsu.... my heart twisted and I mechanically rub my chest above the ake, those fools will pay for treating me like i am nothing more than a toy to be thrown away.
I will proove i am strong, i will work my arse off untill i am strong enough to make them pay.

After finishing my business, i flush and go to wash my hands only to find Ever sitting all lady like on the counter top,

"Hey sweetie, just thought i would see how your doing.. you know away from all the men" she smiled

"Im doing good" I tried to smile,

"Yeah? That good then, you know if you ever need a ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, you have me" she slipped off the bench "though now that i think about it, take the shoulder off the list, my dress cant handle snot"

I laugh, "Dont worry Evergreen, i am done with my tears... i just want to get stronger.... so i can beat Team Natsu to a pulp"

"Thats why your with us now" she snorted out then she laughed hysterically "Laxus will be sure to make you stronger than that fire bug, and the fake fairy queen"

"Thankyou" I grin and suppressed the urge to roll my eyes as she spoke about Erza.

"Right, now lets get back to the others" she said, looping her arm through mine we walked back to out carriage, and with every single step closer we got, my stomach done flips...

Sitting back in my designated seat, i sigh looking at the sun setting beyond the mountains "thats such a beautiful sight"

"Indeed, but with the sun setting now, it will be to late to complete this mission today, so we will get a room and start fresh again in the morning... seem fair Laxus?" Freed said as he snapped his pocket watch shut

"Yeah, whatever... lets just hurry up and get off this thing"

"Do you get travel sickness like Natsu aswell?"

"I am nothing like that salamander" he grunts as he half covered his mouth,

"You know i could have helped a little... Aries has just learnt a new spell to help with motian sickness"

"Could have said sooner cheerleader" he growled

"You know my name is Lucy right? And you could have said you were feeling sick, instead of being a stubborn prick!" I glared at Laxus crossing my arms over my chest.

"Dont give a rats arse about you name blondie, and i dont have to say shit"

"Your blonde too you know, so quit with the nicknames" i huff

"Whatever Lu-cy" he dragged out my name then gave me a sexy grin.....
My heart done a flip as he said my name... my cheeks heat, what the hell am I thinking, Laxus is not sexy.

"nevermind, i rather blondie" i mutter

"Far out make up your damn mind!" Laxus leaned against the cooling window "women" he hissed

"Men" i counter, then spend the next hour on the cramped train in silence.

I give Laxus the silent treatment the whole way to the hotel, only answering to Freed or Bixlow, seeing as Ever was to busy window shopping.

"Here you go Miss lucy, you and Evergreen are in the same room" Freed hands me a room key

"What about the rest of you?"

"Oh Bixlow and i always share a room, while Ever usually get her own room, as dose Laxus"

"Uh okay"

"Have a good night Miss"

"You too Freed" Laxus open his mouth to say something but I just slammed the rooms door in his face.


"Get back blondie! Your going to get hurt"

"Shut it sparkles, i can do this" i have to do this, sending out my whip i latch it around the monsters talend foot, then start pulling with all my might, i need to get it to step into Freeds cage, Bixlows Babies belt into it head and Ever is shooting he Fairy bullets at it... even Freed and Laxus are doing their part to take down this thing.

I have to help, im not going to be the weakest person here. My whip gives out and I get thrown backwards landing on my arse, "oh no you dont!" I shout

"Fuck sakes Blondie, get back!" Laxus calls

"Never, i will never let my comrades fight and get hurt while i do nothing!! Thats not what friends do!"

"I mean it! Move!" Laxus bellows as he sends off a massive stream of lighting right into the head of the ugly beast... i look to him and smile then flick my whip out again, but before i was able to make contact with the thing a funny tingley warm sensation runs through me....

"What the...." i look to my shoulder were the warmth originally started "ahhhhhh" i screamed as i seen the last of the bolt get absorbed by my skin

"Shit! LUCY!" Laxus cried out.... everything's going wrong, its all in slow motion.... the warmth runs down my arms and out of my fingers, down my whip and right into the monsters chest.... i see the thing step forward the collapse in the cage Freed had created.... then i see bothing but blackness....

Last thing i hear was Laxus calling my name... "Lucy... Lucy im sorry.... hold on Blondie please."

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