Her Fever

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[If you guys are wondering how I look like here it is me holding the peace sign also KP were doing fine I met my childhood friend again with the red shirt he such a flirt with me anyways with the story!!]

[The Middle of the Night]

KP'S Pov
I was asleep til I felt something hurting my head, I woke up and touch my head to feel that it's buring hot as I felt a sharp pain in my neck as I felt something go up my neck until I found out what was coming up, I took the covers off me and covered my mouth and ran to the nearest bathroom, and lift the liter of the toilet and started to puke.

Jungkook'S Pov
I was sleeping peacefully until I felt the wait off the bed and I looked at the door to see a figure run out of the room and headed somewhere, I was about to head back to until I heard something like throwing up I sprouted up and took off the covers and ran as fast I can to the bathroom were the puking is coming from, as I got there I saw KP vomiting badly as , I went to her side and pick up her hair so it doesn't get on it.

KP'S Pov
I felt someone pick up my hair as I puked when I was done I looked behind me to see, Jungkook kneel down holding my hair(I made your hair long KP you are beautiful with short or long😀) I did blush cause when your sick you already blush I turn my body as my legs are on the floor as I sat on them as I looked at Jungkook as he placed a hand on my forehead as I blushed more.

Jungkook: You have a high fever ,K ( awww a nickname)

Kp: mhm*weak*

Jungkook: Your too weak to move and stand.

KP:No I fine Jungkook.

Jungkook:*picks her up Bridal style *You are not fine *walks to his room and places her on his bed* Stay here I'll be back. *walks out the room and heads to another door and knocks*  J- Hope wake I need you to do me a favor.

J-Hope: *unlocks the door and steps out the door and rubs eyes* What do you want?

Jungkook: I need you to go to the pharmacy to get medicine for KP.

J-Hope☆:Why what's wrong with her?

Jungkook: *puts hands in his pockets and looks on the side and looks down*. She has a high fever and I can't leave her I need to stay with her so I'm asking you cause I trust you.

J-Hope: Hold that though.*goes in room and comes out and closes door* ok I'll do it cause my mother once told me " help the lady" also she's, my friend.

Jungkook:You changed, cool Thank you J-Hope.

J-Hope : Anytime brother. *walks out the front door and closes it *

Jungkook:*goes in the room to see KP freezeing* You ok?

Kp: hm, OH yes just chilly.

Jungkook:*sits on the bed and brings her closer to Him to cuddle her* I'll keep you warm til J-Hope  comes back with the medicine, so rest now.

Kp:oh ok,*lays hand in his chest to sleep on him* (He has a shirt 😑)

[Few Minutes Later]

J-Hope's Pov
I got the medicine and headed home, I got home and used my keys to open the door, and then closed the door behind me and headed up stairs and open the door to Jungkook'S room as I came in and looked around as I saw both of them, sleeping close to each other, I took out my phone and took a picture and left the medicine on a small table near Jungkook as I tip-toed out the room and went to my room and went to sleep.

Not bad huh I like what I'm writing while I listen to K-Pop of: BTS,Twice,Blackpink,Lovelyz, Red Velvet, 14U,TXT.

Shadow: You listen to much to K-Pop!!!??

Me: Aleast I took two days of a break aren't you satfied enough!!!?

Shadow: Yes but you need more breaks!

Me: I can't I have to write stories when I can!!!!!☆☆☆☆

Shadow: SHIORI LUMINE!!!!!!!!

Me: GOTTA go!!*runs away*


An Idol in Love with KP [BTS] (Jungkook X KP)Where stories live. Discover now