Hanzo is missing

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After Kate was at the exit point she felt a very disturbing feeling in the air and when she turned around to look for Hanzo she found him gone and yet it was to late to go look for him. She felt bad for leaving him so she needed help from her Sisters and cousin to retrieve Hanzo from the bandits that took him. As Kate and the others started to plan the extraction for Hanzo but little did they know that Kate's son Tatsuya was listing to the whole plan. As he heard the final piece to the plan he began to train with Genji and McCree with weapons he needed to use for his secret plan to find his father first.

- 2 weeks later -

Tatsuya was well trained by 2 weeks with daggers, guns, and a katana sword. He felt ready but yet Genji didn't feel like he was ready but he knew he needed to find his father as well as Genji's brother. Tatsuya was getting ready he put on his special armor he made himself

With everything in order he began to leave when Genji was at his door wanting to talk to him

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With everything in order he began to leave when Genji was at his door wanting to talk to him.

* skip Weeks *

After Tatsuya left over 3 weeks ago he found no signs of his fathers where about or even the bandits. But during those three weeks Kate was pregnant with two children, a girl and a boy. The Girls name is LIQIN which means beautiful harp, lute or zither because when she a baby she sang beautiful. The boys name is KIYOSHI, name meaning pure which he had the bluest eyes with a second layer of red. But Liqin eyes well she is blind when she was born but Kate knew she loved her no matter what. Over the past few days Kate and Overwatch had no luck in finding Hanzo and Kate did not want to fear the worst that he might be dead but she hoped that he wouldn't be.

- 2 Months -

Tatsuya finally found a lead to his father from two men who were at the bar whom Tatsuya thought work for the bandits that took his father. After the two men had left the bar he followed them both to where they were going. Tatsuya followed them to abandoned factory next to the Lijiang Tower in china. Kate told Tatsuya many useful things about that tower so he used that to his advantage. The two men come out with more men but in all the men Tatsuya saw his father. His hands were tied and he had scars and bruises all over his body. Tatsuya started to get angry but then calmed himself down and brought his sniper rifle that Ana had from her past. Tatsuya got into position and aimed at the boss.

Boss Bandit: well we know that you are married to a girl we want dead for all other bandits


Boss Bandit: tell me now as to-

Out of no where the boss got shot in the head by a sniper and all the bandits scattered and tried to find the sniper in the area. While they were doing that Tatsuya had a opportunity to get his father out of their.

Tatsuya: father I'm here to get you out of here

Hanzo: no get out of here now

Tatsuya: no not with out you father

Hanzo: does your mother know you are here

Tatsuya: yes she gave me a small phone so she and I can talk

Hanzo: that is your mother

Tatsuya: alright lets go

Tatsuya then teleports him exactly where he left his little knife outside the area he originally was at the sniping point. As they walk away from the scene Tatsuya sent a signal to Athena to come pick them up at there location. After Athena picked them up Tatsuya called Mercy to get the Med Bay ready he was bringing someone back. Mercy nodded and started to fix up the Med Bay and Hanzo then started to almost pass out. Tatsuya needed to keep his father awake just until they get to the base. After 3 hours they both make it to the base and Mercy was in shock to see Hanzo. Tatsuya then called his mom and told her that he has a surprise for her when she returns home. Kate returns home fast and as she enters the base she stands in awe and started to cry. Hanzo fully recovered fast and was standing there and had his arms out wide for her to give him a hug. Kate then ran to him and hugged him tight and cried in his chest. Hanzo then felt bad for leaving his post but he did it to protect her and let her get back to the base safely. Hanzo felt Kate slump on him and he got scared thought Kate got hurt but then he saw bags under her eyes and then felt relived but still felt bad that she never rest to find him. He carried Kate in bridal style to their room so that they both can sleep together and Tatsuya took both Liqin and Kiyoshi to his room and they slept in the room because they want their parents to spend time with each other.

A wolf loves a dragon ( Hanzo x Kate) Where stories live. Discover now