Sneking out/Trouble with jen part 2

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The next morning

I woke up I thought I was having a dream but then i realized it was a nightmare because I saw aunt Jen glaring at me  she had a phone in her hands she walked over and handed to me I slowly put it up to my ear h-hello I said softly only to get fussed by uncle Gibbs

What were you thinking do you know how dangerous it is for you to go walking around the city with just you and Elliot you both could have been kidnap or killed just be luck that I'm not there young lady or you would be feeling my anger on your backside now here's your grandfather.

I'm so disappointed in you Lillian what on earth possessed you to do this your in very big trouble but I will not be dealing with you your aunt and uncle will be I just hope that you'll lesson Lillian because I'm very disappointed with you I love you very much but you need to learn that you can't just do what ever you want.

End of conversation

Tears were in my eyes I looked up at aunt Jen who had her hands on her hips she was starting into my soul

I-I'm sorry aunt Jen please don't be made at me

I'm very disappointed with you Lillian I just want you to know that I need a little more time to decide what I'm going to do with you so you will stay in your room you will not leave this room!

Aunt Jen left and tears streamed down my face everyone was angry and disappointed with her I turned and cried into my pillow why did I think it was a good idea to sneak out  I stayed in my room for four hours until I heard footsteps coming towards my room I jumped a little when the door opened it was aunt Jen and she had a wooden spoon in her hand I got up quickly and backed away I put my hands out in front of me to try and block myself.

Lillian come here right now do not make me come get you

Aunt Jen noooo please I won't do it again please I'm s-sorry

I guess her patients ran out because she got up and grabbed me she sat back down and pulled me over her lap I wailed she pulled my pjs bottoms down along with my panties and picked up the wooden spoon

You will learn the you have consequences for your actions SMACK  SMACK owww SMACK SMACK your are very lucky that SMACK SMACK your weren't kidnaped SMACK SMACK Lillian I want you to remember this spanking SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK owie nooo more SMACK SMACK SMACK sob
I'm sorrieeee SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK aunt Jen stop I'll be good I won't sneak out again SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK
Jen kept smacking her nieces naughty bottom it soon turned darker soon she had a balling child/teen across her lap getting a very harsh spanking but it was very much necessary because what she did could have gotten her killed.

I looked at Lillian and she was laid across my lap wailing I put the spoon down and let her stay there she is very glad that Gibbs wasn't here because he would have killed her I sighed softy before pulling her up and standing her in front of me she wouldn't look into my eyes so I put my finger under her chin and made her look at me

Lillian will this happen again

No it won't I'm sorry

I pulled her into a big hug she ended up falling asleep in my arms my phone started ringing
~~~~~~~~ phone conversation~~~~~~~~~
Yes Gibbs

Did you get it over with

Yes I did she is sleeping now

Thats good

Gibbs when you and ducky get back you will not yell scold or spank lily again she has been punished enough

I understand we didn't plan to punish her further. I have to go I love you sweet heart see you when we get back.

Love you to darling.
~~~~~~~~ end of conversation~~~~~~~~~~
Speer guys I know it's short I'm also running out of ideas so if y'all have any please comment and have a good day/night

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