The other boys don't like you (1/5)

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(Your POV)

Niall had invited the boys over to finally meet you and you were extremely nervous. You wanted the boys to like you because they were Niall's best mates. You were wearing one of your nicer tops and your comfiest jeans. You'd also done your hair nicely. Niall had come into your room earlier asking why you were so nervous and dressing up for the boys. You told him how important it was to you that the boys liked you because they were his friends.

The boys had arrived and were now sitting in the living room, it was all very tense so you'd offered to get drinks. It was on your way back into the living room you heard the boys talking.

"Niall, no offence but she seems extremely fake. I don't know why she's all dressed up for us and she's clearly using you for your money" one of the boys explained.

Your face fell, the boys didn't like you. You took a deep breath and brought the drinks through with a smile on your face and then excused yourself. You only went to the kitchen and started to clean up the dishes.

(Niall's P.O.V)

I was furious. How dare they say (y/n) was fake and using me for money. "You don't even know her! She was so nervous today because she wanted you to like her, that's why she got dressed up. She didn't want to make a bad impression on you yet you judge her for that. I love her so much, why can't you guys accept that she makes me happy"

I left the room to go and find her. I needed her, I needed her smile to calm me down and the sparkle in her eyes to make me happy.

(your POV)

You didn't know when you'd started crying but now the tears were streaming down your face, you'd tried so hard and they thought you were fake and using Niall for his money. You heard someone enter the kitchen but you didn't turn around.

"(Y/n), honey are you okay?" Niall asked.

You shook your head but didn't turn to face Niall.

"What's wrong? Is it something I did?" He asked gently.

You finally turned around and said no, your voice cracking slightly. Seeing you upset broke Niall's heart. He came and wrapped you up in his strong arms. You two just stood there for a while until you started to speak.

"The boys don't like me Niall, they think I'm fake and using you for money."

(Niall's POV)

I'm gonna kill them for making (y/n) cry. She looked so broken. The only thing i could do at the moment though was too comfort her. I needed to make sure she was alright before I went and kicked their asses.

(Your POV)

You'd started to feel a bit better after you and Niall had just stood their for awhile, happy to just hold each other for a while. You then remembered you had guests. You untangled yourself from Niall. You stood up tall, whipped your eyes and took a deep breath, you were going to finish this day with your head held high.

"(Y/n) what are you doing" Ni asked curiously.

"I'm going to bring in some snacks and then I'm going to sit down and try to make some conversation" you replied.

You'd just brought them snacks and then sat down. You then asked the boys how their break was going and if they were looking forward to touring again. They all replied with yeah and greats before going into awkward silence. When Liam finally worked up the nerve to say;

"(Y/n) we are really sorry for our words earlier, they were out of line and very unfair to you. We really appreciate that you make our Nialler happy."

You looked at Liam and smiled, thank you, I'm sorry if I came of as someone I'm not, I was just really nervous.


Hey guys, sorry it tools so long to upload and that it's only 1/5 but schools been a nightmare

Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

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