Chapter 1- The Accident

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DISCLAIMER-  I do not own and have never owned the Originals or any of it's characters. I only own Mia and her story.

I make my way back to the couch with my freshly popped popcorn in my hands. I'm home alone tonight, since tonight is date night for my parents and I'm an only child.
I was about to turn on the tv when a knock sounded on the front door. I quickly make my way way over to the door and check who it is through the peephole. Two police officers stood there waiting for the door to open. "Can I help you?" I ask politely as I open the door.
"Hello, I'm Officer James, and this is Officer Dawson. Is this the residence of Amelia and James Peterson?" One of the officers asked.
"Yes, it is. What happened to my parents? What's wrong?" I asked worried.
"I'm sorry is there someone else here with you?" I shook my head no. The officers glanced at each other before the older officer spoke;
"I'm sorry to inform you Miss, but your parents have been in an accident. They didn't make it."


It's been a week, since my parent's accident, and a lot has happened. My parents didn't have any living family, and because I'm only fifteen I was shipped off to New Orleans to live with my godmother Cami O'Connell. She seems nice enough, although I've only met her a few times before this. Cami lives in a decent sized apartment. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office, a kitchen and a small living room. The school I currently go to is bigger than what I'm used to, and I have trouble finding my classes sometimes.
"Mia!" Sophie Deveraux says as I make my way into Cami's work.
"Hey Soph." I smile at the girl in front of me.
"You finally helping Cami out 'round here?"
"Soph you know I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'll have to wait a few years to work at Rousseau's." The girl just nodded.
"Hey have you seen Cami?" Soph asked, I just shook my head.
"I'm sure she'll be here in a minute, her shift starts soon." Sophie just nods her head.
"I know that's why I was asking." Cami walks in a few minutes later, apologizing for being late.

A few hours pass, and I'm sitting at the bar talking to Sophie's sister Jane-Ann. I nod along to what the older girl was saying, when a customer walks over and sits down. Jane excuses herself and makes her way over to the girl.
She has beautiful brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. They start talking and not wanting to be rude I try not to listen in on their conversation.
Although they make it hard, especially when Jane-Ann pulls out a map and starts talking about the rou-ga-rou or werewolves out in the bayou. I quickly shake off my curiosity when the tan girl decides to leave.
"Hey Jane-Ann who was that? I haven't seen her around before." I say looking at the older girl. Jane just smiles.
"Her name is Hayley Marshall, she just moved here from Mystic Falls, Virginia. I think she said she was looking for her family." I nod my head, but why would Jane send her out to the bayou if she's looking for her family?
"Hey kiddo, you ready to go?" I jump slightly at Cami's voice.
"Ya, I'm ready. Just let me grab my jacket." I say as go to grab my jean jacket. She nods and patiently waits as I make my to her and out the door.
As we're walking home I hear a whoosh and voice say, "You realize, it's not safe to walk home alone at night." Cami and I spin around, and my eyes go wide at guy standing in front of us.
"You realize I'm a black belt in karate." Cami replies, he just smirks.
"I'm Marcel." He said holding out his hand.
"Cami, and this is my goddaughter Mia." Cami says taking his hand.
"Well it's lovely to meet you both." Marcel says, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. He holds out his hand for me take, I look at it hesitantly before I grab his hand.
"Nice to meet you as well." I say, as I start to hear voices whispering. I quickly pull my hand back and the whispers stop. "Did you hear that?" Both of their faces scrunched down in confusion, before they shake their heads.
"I didn't hear anything." Cami said looking at me. I shake my head and blink a few times.
"I must be going crazy then." Marcel smirks at me;
"Hey I've got to go, but I'll be seeing you pretty ladies around." I raised an eyebrow at that, while Cami just smiled. We watched Marcel walk off, before we both quickly made our way back to the apartment.

Authors Note:
Hey guys, so this is my first fan-fiction, so please don't judge to much, this is also unedited. Sorry it's so short, later chapters will be longer. Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.
Just a warning some chapters will be in others people's POV (point of view). Mia is going to be the main POV though. Although this chapter was in Mia's I was thinking for next chapter on having a Mia POV and a Sophie POV. I just thought I'd put that out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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