Chapter 6.

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On the morning of my meeting with Austin's record label, Astrid brings me a letter with my name on it.

I notice a stamp on the corner that says "Juilliard", and my whole body begins to shake.

This day was already nerve-wracking enough, and now in my hands I held my fate.

"Go ahead, Anna." Astrid encourages.

Part of me feels saddened by the idea that my parents or Toby aren't here to witness the opening of a college letter, but maybe it's for the best that I'm not surrounded by people who would get my hopes up.

I slowly tear open the envelope and pull out a piece of paper.

My brows knit in confusion when I read the only word that mattered within that whole letter.


"Waitlisted?" I read out loud. "Do they even do that?"

Of course they did, it clearly says so on the paper.

But why did I get waitlisted?

Was it because I forgot an extra piece, but I was too good to say no to?

Are they questioning my reliability?

"Should I contact them?" I gush.

"Anna, being waitlisted isn't the end of the world. In my opinion its better than being denied."

I force an appreciative smile before folding the letter back up. "You're right. It's better than nothing."

"What time are you heading out?" Astrid asks after a few moments of silence.

"Austin should be here soon. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own for the first part of the day?"

"Of course, dear." Astrid smiles at me. "Take your time. This is your big day!"

"Not really." I sigh. "I'm not feeling as good as I did moments ago."

"Just pretend as if you never got that letter. If you think about it, it's just an update on your status! You still don't know whether you've gotten in or not. Enjoy today. Show those label folks what you can do."

Astrid's words cause a genuine smile to spread onto my lips. Suddenly, the chimes of the door ring and Austin is standing in entryway. "Ready?"

I nod my head before grabbing my phone and keys off of the counter. "Ready."
I follow Austin out of the store, waving goodbye to Astrid as I left.

"So am I following you, or..."

"I figured we could drive together." Austin shrugs, gesturing towards his car. It looked expensive as hell, more like a toy rather than a means of transportation.

"That works too." I swallow hard.

He opens the door for me, and I slide in before he jogs around to the other side.

We sit in awkward silence as he drives, the radio playing softly in the background.

A smile spreads onto his lips as he hears a particular song that he likes, a song that I actually knew as well.

It was called Between the Raindrops, I think.

"Look around. There's no one but you and me." Austin sings, glancing over at me.

"Pay attention." I say, attempting to hide the small smirk spreading onto my lips as he continues to sing.

"Right here and now. The way it was meant to be."

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