Oki. So for those of you who dont know what this is. There is a few different definitions in afew different perspectives. Now I'm share my version of it. In my terms it's when you feel uncomfortable with your body. In this case, Transgender Dysphoria. All I can say is this freakin sucks. Like seriously, SUCKS. And there isnt really a solution to this problem, cause everyone has their own tactics, but what I do is I sorta isolate myself from people so I can recuperate, then come back into modern times. This dosnt really help most people, but it does with me. So you could possibly try it or you could ask friends who have it or look things up on how to control it. Now its super hard when you want to go into transition but it's not going the way you planned it, so you will get super frustrated. Just calm down and try to relax through it.
Now I'm going to share this from a FTM point off view. It really does suck when your binding dosnt work and you end up getting super stressed. I know that I'm still trying to figure out ways to do it. Right now I'm doing the most horrible and dangerous way, but it works so I stick with it. Dont doubt your self though. TRY, key word try, to start positive when times like these happen.
OKi! Later or tomorrow I will be doing Binding personal preferences! Hope you enjoyed ♡
LGBTQ+ Tips!
RandomJust stop by and take a look like your having anxiety, dysphoria, and other such things! ♡♡ I'm also gonna do some Disorders such as Anxiety, Depression, Anorexia and much more.