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NOT entirely sure how he ended up in this situation, to be honest

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NOT entirely sure how he ended up in this situation, to be honest.

Even now, as Yoongi's breath fanned against his neck, hands tightening around his waist. It's only for balance, kept telling himself, since no other rational explanation came in mind to keep sane. A shudder ran up his spine as Yoongi whined a bit.

"Guk, I'm gonna fall."

Snapping out of the delirious fantasy in his mind's eye, he let an easy smile slide onto his face, as he readjusted his position to hold his skating partner more securely against himself.

"Unbelievable. You're unbelievable." He said yet again.

"Shut up brat, not everyone has a private tutor to teach them figure skating or whatev-- FUCK!" The older teen yelped in panic, hands grasping at Jeongguk's shirt, only just keeping himself upright.

It had been Jeongguk's idea to round a couple laps on the rink. He assumed Yoongi would know the basics, perhaps he'd even be a pro. Yet now, looking at the flailing boy clutching onto him like a lifeline, He couldn't help but laugh.

"What am I supposed to do with my arms?" the raven haired boy grumbled.

"For now, don't let go of me." One of Jeongguk's hands accidentally slid a bit lower over Yoongi's waist, fingers skimming the exposed skin under the high-ending fabric. A mere touch, a butterfly wing against bundle of nerves that exploded off in every direction and Yoongi must have felt it too, for the minimum amount of movement he had been allowing at the present abruptly ceased.

He went absolutely rigid.

Obviously resulting in a spectacular slip, which Jeongguk barely pulled him out of.

"Hey, careful!" He yelled, fully grabbing onto Yoongi's waist to steady both their bodies. A second later, he realized his hands were splayed upon warm skin, Yoongi's crop top riding up to accommodate his fingers.

Neck heating up alarmingly fast, he spluttered, with Yoongi red as a fire engine in front of him. "O-oh sorry I didn't mean-- holy s-shit sorry--" without really thinking about it, he let go, pushing himself entirely away, momentarily forgetting one very important aspect.

Yoongi didn't know how to skate.

At all.

A look of absolute panic overtook the older boy's features with absolutely zero support to hold on to. His legs flailed a bit, before buckling all of a sudden. At the last moment, he reached out with one hand, clutching onto Jeongguk's shirt, resulting in pulling the younger on top of him as he fell.

They collapsed in a heap of limbs and thuds of knees knocking against the smooth wood floor.

Thus, it was with a pounding pain against the back of his head that Jeongguk blinked his eyes open, momentarily blurred with tears of agony. Someone above him let out a low groan, their weight crushing his ribs.

"Gerrof" he managed to huff out, blinking back the blur to reveal the form of Yoongi over him, hands on either side of his head, face contorted in pain.

A sudden image flashed against his brain. This exact position, with Yoongi's face contorted due to an entirely different reason.

"It's your fault we're in this mess to begin with." The elder grumbled, having not really noticed the increased rate at which Jeongguk's heart was beating. He rolled off with a groan, rubbing his knee with one thumb. "God, hopefully Hoseok still keeps his band-aid kit around here."

"Y-yeah." Jeongguk didn't know why he was still so warm, or why he could still feel the imprint of Yoongi's waist against his palms. Speaking of whom, was slipping his skates off with grunts of pain, pale legs now dotted with red bruises, especially by the knees. "C'mon, you gonna stay down there all day?" Offering Jeongguk his hand, he smiled a bit.

The brunet swallowed down the sudden urge to scream in embarrassment, instead allowed himself to be pulled up. "Thanks" and it was with a breathless sort of whimper that he said it, mind too preoccupied by the sudden what ifs and what could have beens and it was fucking him up in a way he couldn't fathom. To make it worse, he saw Hoseok skating towards them, eyes trained on Yoongi and that made Jeongguk so mad and he didn't want to be mad but anger was clawing at his insides like spirits would claw at Pandora's box; wanting so desperately to be let out lest fear of being trapped in there forever drove them wild. Only in this case, the anger was the feeling of pure bliss yet agony in turmoil inside his fragile being.

"Nngh, Yoon, I don' feel so good," he managed to mutter out, and in some part of his thoughts was satisfaction as the latter turned to him with eyes brimming in worry.

"Hey hey hey, you good?" This was Hoseok, slender fingers clutching a couple of neon bandaids. But how were neon bandaids supposed to heal a desperate heart (or a banged up scalp, for that matter)? And then Yoongi was holding his arm to keep him steady as the world shook and darkness crept against his lids, entirety of his strength dissipating through his pores. And the last thing he remembered was Yoongi's honey voice cutting through the haze of exhaustion.

Must've hit his head a bit hard

Oh, you stupid, naive boy.


a/n; short chapter also ik this sucked hhhsjdkdn BUT GOOD NEWS! next one will be /finger guns/ steamy and gooey so yeah

also chemistry can go die, random thought

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