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THE BEST PART about being with Yoongi, about spending time with hesitant fingers holding onto each other's and giggles under breaths and cherry red cheeks from butterfly kisses with skin and goosebumps erupting all along your arms, the absolute be...

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THE BEST PART about being with Yoongi, about spending time with hesitant fingers holding onto each other's and giggles under breaths and cherry red cheeks from butterfly kisses with skin and goosebumps erupting all along your arms, the absolute best part about all of it wasn't material, no. It was spiritual, it was the feeling that came along with it. Cause you don't ordinarily feel as if the world is crumbling away underneath your feet, dull blues giving away to bright bright bright, so very bright you can barely breathe; you don't ordinarily feel the entire joy of every single person that has ever been, is, or will be, multiplied by a thousandfold as you lift your gaze to rest upon someone else's; you don't ordinarily want to fly.

Green everywhere, green registering in Jeongguk's brain as a constant conundrum, yellow dotting the corners, azure blue above. If Bob Ross could see this place in his mind's eye, if only. Green by his feet, burgundy by his back, red in his heart as waves upon literal fucking waves of colour pervaded his being.

"You look pretty in the sun."

Oh so slightly tilting his head upwards, making out Yoongi's slacken gaze boring into him, his fingers tracing the hair at Jeongguk's nape. Jeongguk readjusted the placement of his head upon the curve of Yoongi's thigh, lopsided smile pulling at his lips like fishhooks. "Thank you," he murmured, slight tugs on his hair making him realize Yoongi had began braiding it, sticking wild daisies in the folds.

"Do you..." Hesitation laced Yoongi's voice, fear even. The ever growing feeling of apprehension that sometimes shot out in his stormy irises. The raven haired beauty looked as if his body was experiencing brand new emotions unbeknownst to humanity. Something new, something alarming. "...Do you think I look pretty?"

The question came out in a waft of fresh summer breeze, the kind that makes your skin tingle even in the hottest of sun rays. Travelling right inside his chest, an illumination amongst cornstalks of darkness. As bright as the delicate yellow petals adorning his hair, as flawless as the diamonds glimmering in his eyes.

"Hm." Jeongguk put up a false pretence of being deep in thought. "Pretty... isn't the word I would use to describe you."

It was ironically funny, to Jeongguk at least, how fast the strange illumination upon Yoongi's features died down. 'Cause he knew in his entire being that the mere word didn't even begin to encompass all that Yoongi was.

For Yoongi was the essence of the entirety of the joy held in Jeongguk's heart. For Yoongi was the solitary white rose in a bed of red ones; the one that always caught your eye. For Yoongi was destiny in all shape & form. He was the biggest brightest constellation in the night sky; ursa major. He was the very embodiment of Paris in the rain. He was.. he was..

"You're breathtaking." Jeongguk blurted out, finally being able to tear himself away from his thoughts, enough to form a coherent sentence.

Yoongi's eyes widened, red blossoming against the highlights of his cheekbones & at the tips of his ears. He dipped his head, swallowing shakily. 

Jeongguk waited, anxious to see how he would respond to such a word. It had been stupid, now that he thought about it; it had been sudden and too intimate for the kind of relationship they had. Stupid stupid stupid. Should've just kept your mouth shut. Yoongi didn't move, just kept his gaze downcast, falling hair making his eyes near to invisible.

Gingerly, Jeongguk sat up, reaching out with one hand. Slow. The tips of his fingers brushed against Yoongi's fringe as he reached further and further, hooking them under his chin.

And lifted tenderly, peeking under the sheet of his hair.

You ever just wonder, what it had been about Lisa Gherardini that made Da Vinci so desperate to want to paint her? To preserve her very expression onto canvas through the effort of countless hours? Unbeknownst, perhaps, of the impact it would have on art as a culture and as a subject even after centuries, but knowing fully that he absolutely had to paint her? Had it been her eyes? Her smile? Her posture? Most probably, he himself would have no idea.

Something similar passed through Jeongguk at the instant he lifted Yoongi's face to lay his eyes on his expression. He seemed...lost. Blurred around the edges, confused. Pupils dilated even in the coarse light of the sun falling all around them like a curtain. His lips open partially, as if an answer lay on the very tip of his tongue but he was unable to speak it into existence.

"Hyung." Jeongguk whispered, sliding a thumb across his cheek.

Yoongi blinked once, twice. Brought his own hand up to touch Jeongguk's, pulling it away from his face, and instead intertwining their fingers. Jeongguk stared at their point of contact in confusion, then back up at Yoongi's eyes, minutely aware of the close proximity they were in.

Yoongi voice came out mumbled, words mashed together in a flurry of nervousness. Enclosed Jeongguk's hand in both of his, said, "You--are so good, Jeon Jeongguk."

Jeongguk let a smile etch it's way onto his face.

"You're so good, and you... fuck--you make me a better person too." The sentences barely made any sort of sense at that point, but Jeongguk didn't care. "You make me happy, make me wanna make other people around me happy. You-- you're golden guk-ah, you're better than any whiskey or any new car. You're very..."

His voice faded off as Jeongguk leaned closer, dipping down to kiss the underside of his jaw.


Jeongguk trailed his lips upwards, mouthing as the corner of Yoongi's lips, half in his lap at that point.


And then Yoongi was reaching up too, chasing his lips, clashing them together as they kissed & all the breath contained inside Jeongguk's chest evaporated and he couldn't breathe.

Yoongi opened his eyes, pulling back a bit. "...very breathtaking," he finished, hint of a smile fighting to emerge.

Jeongguk just giggled, before leaning in to kiss him again.


a/n; here *throws this in your general direction* take this trash after 5 months with no updates

though hopefully updates will be more consistent from now on. maybe. dont quote me on this

also prior to previous plans, this book might not have,,, yknw,,, sex. or maybe it will. idk yet im sorry, bye now yall r rad


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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