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I step outside into the cold London air, leaving behind the warmth of the Restaurant as I ordered my Uber.
"Well that date went atrociously, I definitely won't be seeing her again." I said to myself as I made my way to the end of the road. My head down trying my best to shield myself from the lashing rain.
"FUCK!" Screamed a high pitched voice as I heard a thud next to me, rain splashing against my leg; I looked up and noticed a girl with striking red hair ;)))) sigh to herself on the floor.
"I'm am so sorry!" I fumbled
"I stupidly wasn't looking where I was going!" I continued extending my hand for her to grab onto. She stumbled, as my hands grabbed onto her hips, helping her regain her balance.

"Of course this would happen after the night I've had" I giggled to myself as the man pulled me under a overhanging canopy.
"Once again I'm so sorry, I'm such a CLUTZ"
He said, looking into my eyes, his were a light blue, mesmerising like the ocean at home.
"Is there anything I can do to repay you?" He asked, noticing my bewildered state.
"I'm soaked, any chance of some dry clothes?" I said back, pulling away my gaze from his eyes.
"This will have to do for the moment but I'm sure I have something better back at my place." He said handing me his jacket. I sighed
"I'm not a serial killer, if that what you're thinking" He stated.
"Even if you were at least I'd be dry." I chuckled.
"I'm guessing that's a yes, which is great because my rides here." He said, pointing to the car which had just pulled up.


Dianne kicked of her heels as she made her way through to the kitchen.
"This is nice" she said gazing at my living room.
"Thanks..." I replied before being cut off by a beeping sound.
"Right on cue" I said making my way over to the dryer and pulling out a freshly washed and heated pair of joggers and T-shirt.
"Will these be alright?" I asked handing them over to me.
"Yes thank you" She continued,
"Corrrr, and there warm as well" She sighed, causing me to laugh.
"The toilets over there." I said pointing to the bathroom, noticing her looking around.
"Thanks again" She said turning to shut the door, causing a weird feeling in my stomach to arise.
"Probably just wind" I said, jogging up the stairs, and throwing in some comfier clothes when reaching the wardrobe.

"So what were you doing outside in rainy London in a Thursday night?" I asked him, slumping onto the sofa as he handed me a wine glass,
"Thanks Joe" I said, as she continued,
"I was on a date, which obviously didn't go well as she didn't come home with me" Earning a chuckle from me.
"Sorry you got me instead" I said pulling up my knees.
"I'm not complaining" He said, causing my face to turn a bright shade of red, which Joe obviously noticed seeing as he turned red too, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
"So tell me about more about yourself?" He said turning to face me.
"Well what do you want to know?" I said copying his mannerisms.
"Well all I know is that your names Dianne, you've got red hair and I'm guessing from your comment earlier, you had a date that didn't go too well either." He said.
"Wow Joe, I'm impressed with your detective skills!" I beamed, taking another sip of wine.
"Tell me about Australia and yourself ." He quipped.
"Well Australia's really sunny, and THERES beaches like everywhere!" I squealed, continuing,
"As for me I'm a professional dancer." I smiled, Joe face lifting.
"Really? That's so cool!" Joe said,
"I wish I could dance" He continued,
"Well maybe one day I could teach you" I said.
"It's a date" He replied, smiling causing me to turn even more red.
"So what about you?" I asked

1:34 AM
We had talked for hours about our childhoods and our jobs, It was a pleasant surprise finding out that Dianne knew nothing about me. She was eager to watch my videos and we spent hours laughing at them. We had somehow become tangled together on the sofa, and to complicate things further she had fallen asleep on me, it was impossible to move now, so I accepted my fate, not that it's a bad one. Dianne was nice, a breath of fresh air, she made me feel things no other girl did and I'd only known her less than 5 hours. I yawned only now just realising how tired I was,
I reached over, putting both our phones on charge, causing the red head curled into my side to stir, as I settled back down pulling her close.
"I'm so glad you pushed me over today Joe" she mumbled, nuzzling her head into my side further.
"Me too Di, me too" I chuckled, pulling the blanket over us and drifting off into a comfortable sleep, my arms still firmly wrapped around the red head.
"What a day..." Was my last thought as sleep fully overcame me.

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