clutz pt.2

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I woke up with my red hair stuck to my face, I carefully peeled it from my cheek catching it in my ring earning a groggy squeal to escape my lips; earning a chuckle from Joe. I looked up, catching his eye,
"How long have you been looking at me, you told me last night you weren't a serial killer." I groaned, resting my head on his chest and pulling him closer to me.
"I didn't specify if I was a stalker." He said, detangling himself from me and brushing his lips across my forehead. He got up of the sofa and made his way towards the stairs.
"I'm sure my sisters left a spare pair of leggings here and you can wear one of my shirts" He said, turning to face me.
"You're truly something special Sugg." I smiled.
"Oh and I'm taking you for breakfast or in our case brunch." He chuckled pointing to clock. I chuckled as he jogged up the stairs.

"Ohhhhh snazzy" Dianne said, as we sat in the car.
"Don't get your hopes up, it's been lent to me." I replied, starting the engine.
"I may as well get out now then." She giggled, reaching for the door.
"At least let me woo you over brunch first" I chuckled, reversing the car, causing a light blush to sweep over her cheeks as she turned in the radio.
"I can't believe you did that!" Dianne snorted, causing us both to laugh, both hastily wiping away our tears as the waitress both came over with our bill. She was an old woman with fair grey hair that rested delicately on her shoulders and brushed the sides of her cheeks.
"You two make a wonderful couple and a beautiful one at that." She said, the corners of her mouths tugging up into a smile as she carefully placed the bill on the table. I was just about to cut in when Dianne chirped,
"Thank you so much, we get that a lot actually."
"No wonder, you've got a good one there, don't let her go." The lady replied, patting my shoulder as she walked off. I shook my head and chuckled, reaching for the card reader,
"I'm paying" I quipped, scanning my card before Dianne could even say anything. She let out an exasperated sigh before standing up and reaching out her hand.
"Come on!" She said pulling me out of the chair, hands still intertwined as we walked out of the cafe, the waitress giving us a smile as we left.

We walked in a comfortable silence, still holding hands and talked occasionally about anything we thought about. It was a short walk to the car but I yearned for it to be longer, even spending time doing mundane tasks like walking in silence was enjoyable, I'd only know him for 12 hours but everything about him seemed exciting and interesting, he wasn't like anyone I'd ever known before. We untangled our hands as we reached the car.
Joe stopped the engine and reached for the door handle.
"Joe wait" I said, reaching my hand over to his arm.
"Is everything alright Dianne?" He queried, confusion lacing his face.
"I meant what I said today-y." I continued,
"...about how I was glad that you pushed me over." Joe grinned,
"Me too" He replied,
"You're making me start to believe you did it on purpose." I giggled.
"I promise you I didn't, but it was a good job I did ey?" He said, I didn't reply, my gaze fixated on his face,
"It may just be me but I swear we are getting closer-r..." I thought barely finishing before our faces were inches apart. My breathing hitched as his hand made its way to my face, our lips finally touching, sending shivers through my body.

We finally pull apart our foreheads touching,
"You're different." I sighed, kissing her forehead.
"What'd ya mean?" She asked, her Aussie accent making me swoon slightly.
"I don't want to come across as weird but, I've only known you half a day and you make me feel different, happier then any other girl has." I said, looking into her brown eyes.
"I was thinking the same." She said, pulling me into another kiss, a smile forming on her lips.
"Now come on, I'm dying for a wee!" She said opening the car door. I shook my head, laughing, chucking her the keys as she waddled ahead of me towards the lift.
"I can't believe my luck" I whispered, chuckling, as I joined her in the lift. She grasped my hand, swinging it back and forth, as the lift opened, causing her to rush out, reaching the door and fumbling the keys, causing her to groan in desperation, as I jogged towards her and turning the keys in the door, earning a sigh of relief from her, as she quickly gave me a peck on the lips as she rushed towards the bathroom.

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