2 Months in

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3rd POV:
It's been 2 months since Lance joined Voltron. The hair dye Lance wears has started to wear off, and Hunk obviously noticed immediately.
"Lance?" Hunk asked timidly, scared of how I'd react . "Are you ok? Your hair has a white streak, and I know how much you like your skin care." That got Shiro and Allura's attention.
"Lance? Are you ok?" Shiro asked worried for Lances health. "Stress can make your hair turn white. Personal experience." Allura looked confused.
"Most Alteans get white streaks by the age of 3, How is it bad in humans?" That made Pidge laugh,
"Allura, humans don't get white hair at a young age, Shiro is an exception." Lance laughed it off and quickly said
"Oh, I just spilt some paint on my head, guess I missed a spot." He quickly ran out and ran into Keith.
"Lance, your hair"- Lance quickly cut Keith off with a   Yell, "I'm FINE!" and he ran towards his room and slammed the door closed.

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