Realization (For Lance)

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Lance looked in the mirror and noticed the streak Hunk was talking about. "Great. And I have no dye!" But then he quickly remembered his quilting skills and the fabric he had hidden under his bed. He checked in the mirror again, "Great, and my ears are sharpening too." So he decided to make a hat, long enough to cover his ears and made it resemble a lions face. "Blue, I love you girl." Blue rumbled to life in his mind.
"Cub. Tell me what's wrong? I want to help."
Lance laughed gently and said "Sorry Blue, not yet." Blue growled questionably in Lances mind "I'll tell you soon, promise." He smiled and went out wearing the hat.
Lance came out of his room and Hunk gasped "You've picked Sewing back up?" Lance nodded, "I never stopped." Hunk and Pidge laughed. "That's why they called you Tailor!" Keith looked bewildered  "My co-pilot was called Tailor. He looked kinda like Lance if I think about it." That made Lance, Hunk, and Pidge burst into laughter. "BECAUSE IT WAS LANCE!" Pidge roared in laughter. Keith looked up in shock "Wait, WHAT?!?" Keith roared in anger. Allura noticed something with Lances hat, little bulges were standing out where Lances ears were. Curious, she snuck over and ripped the hat off Lances head as he made a joke. Everyone's attention was on him as he was revealed.....

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