Harrison's Younger Sister Part Two

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Sam's POV

When Y/N woke up she didn't remember me telling her my feelings. Or at least she didn't act like she remembered.

It was frustrating.

When I finally got the balls to tell her my feelings she doesn't even realize that I did. So things went back to the way they were before.

Y/N and I were just friends and I just need to realize that.



Last night I was so drowsy that I just blurted out my feelings to Sam. I know he meant it in a way like a sister but there I was being a dumb fool confessing my feelings for him.

The only way out of the whole situation is to play dumb. I mean nobody, and when I say nobody I mean no living soul knows that I like Sam. I'm not close enough to the other girls my age enough growing up, it's really just been Sam, Harry, and I.

So when I wake up this morning my only plan was to avoid the conversation at all. Sam was already up fixing breakfast, I'm guessing the boys got back from the club or from wherever they were last night, so he's probably fixing food for all of us.

I go upstairs to get ready, on the way I check both Tom and Haz's rooms to see them both sleeping peacefully. With that I go take a shower and get dressed for the day.

When I get back down Sam is setting the food on the table. He looks over to me with a smirk on his face.my first thought was that he would bring up the situation from last night, but when he opens his mouth the only words that come out are "Do you want to wake them up?"

And soon that same smirk is making its way to my face while I quietly head to Haz's room while Sam is heading to Tom's.

My approach of waking up Haz was just to jump on his bed but by the sound of it, it seems Sam had a different method. One that included water being poured of Tom.

I could hear Tom yelling and Sam laughing, so I stop jumping on Haz's bed, he was already up anyway. I sit down on Haz's bed while a huge smile forma on my face, making me look like a maniac.

"Y/N, why don't you tell him?" Haz's question catches me off guard.


"Y/N, don't act stupid I know you like him. Tell Sam you like him." Haz answers.

"How the heck do you know I like him?" I was confused, I never told a living soul.

"I'm your brother, I've been around since before you have. I've learned to be observant, especially of my sisters."

"Oh, but I don't think I'm ready to tell him. I mean I kinda did last night on accident when we were falling asleep on the couch." I confess.

"Well it's just something to think about." Haz says leaving the room.

Sams POV

I get Tom downstairs just as Haz is coming down himself. "Hey Sam?" Tom asks


"When are you going to tell Y/N that you love her?" Tom decided to finally ask the question I could tell he's been waiting to ask me.

"What? What do you mean I love her?" I really didn't realize that they could tell

"I mean I see it in your eyes." Tom clearly states

"Dude just tell me, have you not seen the way Y/N looks at you?" Haz adds.

"I mean sure but I think that's just admiration for her wonderful best friend."

"She loves you Sam. You just have to open your eyes" Tom claims right before Y/N comes down stairs cause in fall of us to become silent.


I sit and think for a minute before leaving Haz's room and going downstairs, still a bit phased by Haz's question. But by the time I reach the stairs I'm back to normal.

Sam got Tom downstairs and Haz walked down by himself so I walk in to all of the boys eating breakfast ready and an empty seat next to Sam. The only thing off with this is that they aren't talking. At all. All three of them are sitting quietly at the table looking down at their plates.

"Hey what's the matter? Why are you guys so quiet?"

I hear something along the lines of "nothing" coming from all of the boys. Strange, I feel as if they were talking about me but I don't question further. So I sit and eat in silence.

It was killing me, the silence, I'm not used to it around this bunch.

Soon Tom and Haz the leave the table saying that they had to be somewhere soon. Leaving just me and Sam. Its shouldn't be awkward, I've been friends with him forever. But it is awkward, I just can't stop thinking about last night.

Sam abruptly stands up and goes over the couch, turning to me as if he was asking me to come over to the couch. I get up and sit next to him, making sure I don't make contact with him.

"Good morning"

"Yeah, good morning"

"So. Uh, about last night I'm sorry" He apologizes.

"No I should be the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have said anything back. I overstepped my boundaries as a friend, I mean at least it's out there now but-"

"What's out there?" He questions cutting me off.

"Uh well you know.." I awkwardly say.

"Y/N no i don't really know what your talking about." Sam claims genuinely confused.

"Well you know that I like you" I mutter so he can't hear.

"What was that?" He asks.

"I like you" I say a bit clearer, not find the courage to look at Sam.

"Huh?" He asks one last time. This time I don't say anything, I just turn around to see Sam smirking at me. Before I know it his lips are on mine, but not long enough for it to register in my mind what was happening.

"Umm I-I need to go." I blurt and run off.

Sam's POV

I've done messed everything up.

I know she said she liked me but maybe not the that extent? Did I really do that much by just kissing her?


Oh shoot, my heart is racing.

Sam kissed me.

He friken kissed me.

And I ran away. I'm so dumb! Why did I run away? I'm not going to go back now he probably regrets kissing me.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" Sam asks at the door of my room. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah" I answer watching him walk in my room.

"Look, Y/N I'm sorry if I freaked you out but I like you too. I have for quite a while now. It's just I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But now that I know you like me too I couldn't contain my joy, I just had to kiss you." He explains.

"No it's okay, I should be the one apologizing, I ran away. I actually quite liked it." I explained.

"Then can I get another?" He asks. I don't answer. I just go up to him, grabbing his collar, giving him a peck on his cheek, and running away. "Come back here! I wanted a kiss on the lips!" He said laughing.

Okay so dudes it's been awhile. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while but I've just been so busy. I'm involved in my school play (I'm in makeup crew), school in general, and there has been a bunch of tea this past week (involving my crush and I, like legit it's almost like it's out of a Wattpad book no joke. He is texting me, not know it's me just that the person he is texting likes him but he is slowly getting hints of who I am so he could guess)
But anyway, thanks for all the support on my book. I mean we're almost to 10K reads! How crazy is that?
Love ya!

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