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[ 2533 words. Ya'll better get comfy and grab a snack for this one :3 ]

Alastor pressed his pointer finger against a small red button that was lodged into the wall. The jets inside of the massive tub jumped to life, causing the once-still pool water to whirl and bubble to life.

You kicked your shoes off first, then slid your jeans down your legs and tossed them to the ground in a careless heap. You immediately became self conscious, with your legs bare, but after glancing at Alastor, who was making an effort to look at the wall, you felt a little better. You then slid your shirt off over your shoulders, but only because you said that if the bubbles were on, the clothes were off.

For a fleeting moment, you thought about taking your undergarments off too, but quickly decided to keep them on. You were sure Alastor wouldn't mind that you weren't totally nude... or would he?

You stepped forward to the edge of the pool; the marble floor felt cold and smooth against your toes. When you reached the pool, you dipped the tip of your foot into the water and found that it wasn't too hot, nor too cold. The perfect temperature. It gave you a bittersweet reminder of swimming in Nate's outdoor pool back at home. He always kept the water nice and cool in the summer, giving you just the right amount of refreshment.

Blinking back the memory, you sat down on the pool's edge, wrapping your arms around your stomach self-conciously. The flirtatious confidence you felt only moments ago disintegrated into a sickening anxiety that sat within your stomach.

You dipped your legs into the water, feeling it rise smoothly up to your knees. There was the sound of rustling clothes, so you assumed Alastor was undressing and stayed staring forward, focusing on the splashes of water the pool made every time you kicked your legs up.

When Alastor finally sat down beside you, you saw that his suit jacket was off, but he was still wearing the plain red button up that had been under it, with the black bow tie on his neck. He had rolled up his smooth black pants so that they stopped just below his knees. You noticed the way his top hugged his shoulders, and you liked it. His shoes were off, too.

That was the moment you mentally acknowledged two odd things about him that you hadn't seen before. The first thing was his feet, as weird as that sounds (no, you do not have a foot fetish). Instead of normal human-like feet, had what looked like deer hooves. After he sat down, the hooves disappearing under the surface of the water, you saw the second animalistic feature: a little tail sticking out from his tailbone. It was a cute size, fluffy and colored the same way as his hair.

He looks like a deer and a human mashed togeher, you thought, keeping your eyes on him as he blinked slowly and leaned back, his feet gently kicking underneath the water. He must have noticed you staring, because when he met your gaze, one of his eyebrows tilted up in a knowing manner.

"Oh, sorry," you apologized, realizing how rude you were being. "It's just... are you..?"

"Part deer?" he blurted, finishing your question. "Why, yes, I am. I'm surprised it took you so long to ask!"

"Oh." You scanned him again, your eyes trailing down from the very top of his head, to the dark hooves that sat in the water. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but... to be honest, you didn't think he was capable of feeling uncomfortable.

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