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(The "backstory angst" is here! This is the story of the Necrodopolous and Reilig families and all the things they've been through together

If you haven't read my one-shot collections Limelight or Beyond The Barrier, I'd recommend reading them first, at least the ones that involve Paizley. That would be "The Stand", "Memory" (the most important one) and "Research" from Limelight and "She's Got Everything" from Beyond The Barrier. And possibly the first story in Zombie Town Christmas, if you want even more context. But I'll try to make this easy enough to understand without them~

There is once again a fic trailer edited by krut09 - her YouTube is Kreatable23 if you want to go watch that! (and you really should because it's perfect...!) - and a playlist with theme songs for each chapter. New songs will be added on Wednesdays, chapters will come on Thursdays. You can find it here! )

Prologue theme song: How Does A Moment Last Forever? (Music box) from Beauty and the Beast (2017)

"This is why you need me around, Zeddy!"

~ How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?  ~

Zed didn't expect this story to come out like this, at such an unexpected time. On a day like any other, with him sitting in the cafeteria opposite Addison and Eliza, with Bonzo beside him and Bree next to Addison, prompted by a single word.

He was joking around with his friends as always, he and Eliza arguing over something meaningless, with Bonzo making the occasional quip and sniggering at them both (when he could tear his attention away from Bree) until Zed found himself lost for words. Eliza had him completely stumped and was now giving him a smug look. She tilted her head towards him, almost daring him to find a comeback, but he just scoffed and looked down at his food.

"Aww...!" Addison cooed with a teasing smile and reached across the table to squeeze his cheeks as he pouted, "Poor Zeddy."

Zed flinched, almost like he'd been shocked by his Z-band. But he wasn't reaching for it, and he didn't seem to be in any pain, so that couldn't have been it. Addison frowned, as did Bree, while Eliza and Bonzo glanced from Zed, to the two human girls, to each other. Addison instinctively placed a hand on Zed's, concerned.

"Zed? You alright?"

He put on a smile and tried to play it off, "Yeah! Yeah, it's nothing..." he lifted his head and was met with Eliza's blank stare. Her eyes shifted towards Addison and back to him. Zed turned to Bonzo to avoid her gaze only to get practically the exact same look, "... Guys, seriously..."

"Zed, if you two are gonna be a thing, you should really consider telling her."

Bonzo nodded, "Egrall."

"Tell me what?" Addison asked in confusion.

Zed didn't respond, taking a bite out of an apple as an excuse and Eliza shook her head, "Don't make me do it," she muttered. With a sigh, Zed sat back in his chair and gestured for her to go ahead. Eliza turned to Addison and lowered her voice slightly, "See, that's what Zed's mom used to call him. He gets a little sensitive about it."

"Oh...!" Addison's eyes widened and she looked back at Zed, suddenly seeming guilty.

"Addy, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal."

"I'm still sorry, though! It's just that I remembered that zombie girl calling you that one time. The girl who's home-schooled...? Paizley, right?"

"Yeah, but Paizley is... Paizley..."

Now she was even more confused, "And... what does that mean, exactly?"

"Our moms were, like, best friends," Zed explained, "We're super close. She's like a big sister. Or a cousin or something."

Eliza leaned toward Addison, briefly side-eying Zed as she smirked, "And she was his babysitter."

"She was Zoey's babysitter," he insisted with a roll of his eyes. Addison mirrored Eliza's smirk and raised an eyebrow.

"Why would Zoey need a babysitter when she had you?"

"Oh, I can answer that!" Eliza laughed, "Because he's completely hopeless and irresponsible and should never be left alone with a child that young."

Zed's mouth dropped open, offended, and he shot her an irritated look, "I am not..." he paused and Eliza snorted, "... That irresponsible...!"

"Really? So, what would you call swiping right?"

Zed bit his tongue as Addison, Bonzo and Bree all turned their heads away in different directions, unsuccessfully trying to pretend they hadn't heard. After he threw them all an annoyed look, he leaned towards Eliza and hissed, "We agreed we wouldn't talk about that anymore!"

"That's fine," Eliza shrugged, "I have other more Zoey-related examples. Like letting her get involved in a snowball fight with the Terrible Trio."

"Hey, that was Paizley's fault! Not mine!"

"How about all the times she's followed you to a zombie mash and tricked you into letting her stay?" Zed had no answer as she continued, "The cheerleading-related accidents you probably could've prevented if you were only more vigilant?"

Zed deadpanned, "This went from a potentially touching story about my mom to listing off all of my mistakes real fast."

Eliza smiled, resting her chin in her hands and batting her eyelashes, "Don't you just love being friends with me?"

"Getting back to the point," Addison interrupted, "Where does Paizley come into this? Like, I get that she's a family friend and all, but why does she call you by your mom's old name for you and not anybody else? ... Does your dad call you that?"

"No," Zed answered plainly, shaking his head.

"Are you, like... OK telling me about this?" she asked and he nodded once, "So, why Paizley?"

There was a pause, then Zed sighed, "You want the full story?"

"Do I?"

"It might take a while."

"Take as long as you need."

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