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(And the story of the Necrodopolous/Reilig family history comes to a close...!

The future fic (title still to be revealed) will be coming by the end of the month so keep your eyes out for that! There'll be a couple of Limelight one-shots coming soon that are gonna be marginally relevant to it, too. And also maybe keep an eye on kokinu09's YouTube channel (Kreatable23) over the next week or two ;) )

Epilogue theme song: For Good from Wicked the Musical

"Wow," Addison breathed. By now, the five of them – Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bree and Bonzo – were approaching the gate back into Zombie Town. Zed had been telling his story in intervals since lunch that day, and even though Eliza and Bonzo had seen it all in person, they had been just as enthralled as Addison and Bree, "You've been through a lot together, huh?"

"Pretty much everything, yeah," Zed nodded, "Paizley's been there for literally my whole life. I kinda wish she could be over on this side, too, but..."

Addison nodded in understanding, "Too many humans?"


"And especially the zombie patrol," Eliza interjected, "She was at the homecoming game but then she was the first to run once things turned south."

"But she was still waiting for me to come back from containment afterwards. She was worried sick."

"So was Lea," Eliza said, her head down as she remembered that day.

"Izaka, zet," And Iza, Bonzo was staring off into space.

Addison tilted her head, thinking, "I guess Bucky would be the same for me..."

Bree, who was walking beside her with Bonzo close behind, his arm draped over her shoulder, pouted, "I wish I had a cool older relative." The others laughed as Bonzo wrapped his other arm around her and hugged her, making her giggle.

They were all quiet for a few seconds, then Zed smiled. He looked at Addison, briefly glancing at Bonzo as well, "You guys have your older cousins," he turned to Eliza, "You've got your older sister..."

"I've got no-one."

"Bree's got no-one," he joked, then shrugged, "But I think I'm pretty lucky to have a little of both."

They were through the gate now and walking down a Zombie Town street when they all heard the sound of wheels rolling along the sidewalk.

"Agru driza, agru zo..." They hear, they come... Eliza muttered with a smirk.

Addison frowned, "What?"

"It's like the Zombie version of 'speak of the devil'," Zed explained as the very zombie they had been talking about all afternoon rounded the corner with her wagon. At first, she only noticed Zed, Bonzo and Eliza.

"Hey, guys!" she beamed.

As she came closer and saw that Addison and Bree were with him, she faltered briefly but Zed gave her a reassuring smile, "Hi, Paiz!" he turned to Addison and pulled her forward, despite the looks of concern on both her and Paizley's faces, "I don't think you've officially met my girlfriend yet, have you?"

At that, Paizley seemed to relax. For a second, she just looked at Addison, then her smile returned.

"Look at you, going out and getting yourself a girlfriend!" she poked his chest, "Little Zeddy's growing up."

~ Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good ~

"Are you coming to the humans' school with us, Paiz...?"

"Nah. Mom wants me to finish school here."

"Yeah, that makes sense... Would you want to, though? I mean, we finally get to see what it's like over there!"

"I'm good staying on this side."

"You are gonna come to all my football games, though, right?"

"Sure you're gonna make the team?"

"Are you kidding? I'm gonna be the star of the whole school. Everybody's gonna know my name. The pride and joy of all Seabrook!"

"Is that what they're gonna call you? 'Cause you're always gonna be little Zeddy to me. If you'd just... shrink...!"

"Only to you, janook."

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