Soft Cuddles

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Brian x Jay

  The skinny male was walking down the hallway, his face puffy and red. Jay was brokenhearted after he had found out a horrid secret his boyfriend kept from him. He was cheated on. They broke up that night, and now the male was going to his friend for help.

  As he stumbled weakly to the door, trying to wipe his tears away. He balled his hand into a weak fist and held it up to the door, knocking on it softly.

  The door opened. Brian stood there, "He- oh my god.." the buffer man ushered Jay inside. The door closed behind the skinnier male as he walked in. Brian lead the now sobbing man to the couch.

  Jay sat down, and told Brian the whole story..... the buffer male was enraged by this and started to cuss about the horrible 'boyfriend'. The smaller male stopped him and told him, "It's not worth your time..."

  Brian sighed softly and nodded. His face flushed up a little as he felt Jay's dead lay on his shoulder. He looked over at the tired, broken male and gave him a warm, comforting smile.

  Jay responded with a weak smile, cuddling in further. Brian's face got even more red as this happened, but he did not push away. Instead he pulled him closer and kissed his forehead.

  If the smaller male wasn't so tired he would've probably had a bigger blush on his face, but of course, Jay was so drained from crying that only a light tint of pink showed.  Brian very carefully lied down with Jay's body being on top of him.

  Feeling very comfortable, Jay fell asleep within minutes of this. Brian let out a softly chuckled and closed his eyes, "Cutie"....

I hope this was good :>

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