Some Tea.

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Milo/Mr.Scars X Evan/HABIT

The child sat alone on the playground, swinging back and forth on a little swing set they had. He watched as the other kids played feeling slightly envious about how they got along easily. Milo. That's the child's name, Milo Asher. He had gone to the park today because his mother had forced him to, even after he repeatedly said he didn't want to go.

He looked down at his shoes, thinking about all the way this day could get worse. He was so deep in thought he didn't even notice some say in the swing next to him until the other kid spoke, "Hi! I'm Evan! What's your name?" His voice was loud and it startled Milo a lot. He soon calmed down and looked at the other kid, "....M...Milo.." he stuttered and then looked back at the ground.

"Wow! That's a really cool name! I really like saying names that start with M! They sound nice! Milo- Milo- MILO MILO MILO!" Even exclaimed, giggling a little.

All of this made the shy child's face go red, "Haha... W-well.. your name is cool too. It sounds v-very nice.." he whispered and smiled softly.

The two boys talked a lot more til a man named 'Dr. Corenthal' told Evan they had to go get someone, but after that Milo and Evan met many many many more times. But all these times they didn't say they were friends, nuh-uh. Evan told him that they could be boyfriend and boyfriend and the other kid agreed.

Milo, knowing his mom wouldn't support it, never wrote this in his journal because he knew he would be caught by his homophobic mother.

Then the sad news was brought... Evan had pasted away from some accident, and this only made Milo much more depressed. They had dated for now... 3 years. It may not seem like a lot to you but it was forever for him.

Milo tried a lot to get himself in a better mood but it really didn't work, and his mother didn't bother helping him either. He sometimes spent all day in his room, only getting out to use the bathroom. Soon his sadness faded, slowly of course, but he never chose to date anyone.

He spent that time focusing on other stuff not some silly fantasies. He also escaped from his abusive mother and moved to a place closer to his cousin. Of course this all happened when he was about... uh.... 23? And in that same year he was killed. By who? Oh... you should know.

He was forced to join the collective and changed his name to Mr.Scars blah blah blah. Timeskip to qbout like 10 years later maybe? His cousin found a way out by making a deal with... someone familiar. He started to watch that person when he had time to and felt something in his heart telling him to meet this 'man'.

He eventually started to send notes to him, saying some things like, 'Hello, this is someone you may know.' And 'Dont worry, I only want to ask you a few questions.

The few questions that were asked were:

•What is your name?
•Do you know Evan Corenthal or as he called himself sometimes, Habit?
•Could you help free me?

He didn't get an answer so he started to write another note to set in his house. That night as he creeped in, he was attacked by the same person he was giving the letters to. "Please I don't m-mean any harm!" He gave a weak plea as his hands we pinned above his head. The demon only growled back which made him quiet.

"How the fuck did you get in?"

That was the only reply.

Mr.Scars whimpered and shook in fear, "W...window... it w-w-was un-nloc-ked.." he whispered and closed his eyes. The demons hands rubbed against his scars which made this whole thing much more painful.

The demon grinned, "Thank you. Now. Why are you here? Did the big ol stick-in-the-mud send you?"

"N-no.." Milo stuttered back. "I just ca-ame here to give a letter to someone... th-that someon-ne be-eing you.."

"Ah! Your the secret admirer!!" He said abe Milo growled this time, "I only love one person, and you are not them. So I am not a secret admirer!" "Shut it." Habit told him quickly then sighed, "You are my secret admirer, Milo... you've always been."

That voice.


".....close enough.. come on. Let me get you some tea."

I'm not too proud of this but I still think I did good. 788 words. Woohoo.

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