chapter two sorta

36 0 1

it read 

"The chicken nuggets are in the back of the fridge on the 2nd shelf next to the pepsi cans..

was dying to see your reaction to that.. it was hilarious, thanks for another great laugh, albert."

at this point I only wanted to heat up my chicken nuggets, jump over the couch with my plate, and curl up under the blanket while watching "The nun".

At the timestamp 33:33 in the movie I got multiple texts from the unknown number.

they read





it was almost like they couldn't have written all that in just one second.

it was like they perfectly timed it and they all sent at once.

I left them on read and got back to the movie.

at the timestamp 44:44

I got much more explicit and threatening texts. 

such as murder threats and cuss words being typed in all caps.

again, they all sent at once.

I know you're probably thinking "omg you idiot just call the police!!"


the thing was, I couldn't. 

that's why it was titled "private name private number". I had no information to give the police and with no information, they'd just warn me and say "listen kiddo, you can't be wasting our time like that, we have people out there who actually need us.  for example, people who are getting chased, threatened, killed.

I had nobody to go to.

there was nowhere to hide.

they always knew where I was and what I was doing.

they most likely know exactly what i'm doing to this day.

the other thing was, I couldn't just block them.  their number was private.  even if I deleted the texts I'd just get a threatening text and all of the old texts would come back.

it's truly horrifying.

back to the story.

the next text I got from them was after the movie ended.  they texted me and it read:

"I know your favorite scene."

they listed it off and I got chills, they also named the reason why it was my favorite scene.

"it was your favorite scene because nothing scary was happening, right?"

I left it on read.

two minutes later..

"you can't tell me i'm wrong."

it's scary because I was typing "oh my gosh, no it wasn't!!"

they cut me off, I deleted the entire text.

they sent me a smiley face.


I went to go throw my plate away when I noticed that someone had taken out the trash, which was weird because I was home alone the whole time like I always am besides when jake is visiting.  I definitely would've seen or heard it happen.

"You're welcome."

I silenced my phone, brought it to my bedroom and drained it's battery completely.  I then sat it on my nightstand and unplugged the cord then laid it on my desk.  I then attempted to go to sleep.  I failed.  I tossed and turned until 3:00 am.

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